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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!



Your dress is beautiful!  I'd love to see it on a hanger.


Congrats on the wedding!  Now you can put your feet up!

Hope to see more of you!Smiley Wink

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

Rather cool this morning (WHY am I surprised?) and a yellow leaf with green spots on my wind shield threatening the end of my tomato sandwich!


Navy Foxcroft tunic with back buttons, our med blue "V" neck, and navy capris.  Stuart Nye hand hammered hoops, Labrodite ovak fore finger ring and pendant, "Shades of Blue Water" scarf by Deborah Bryant, weaver.





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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

Thank you, @ECBG !!  I already gave my dress and shoes to one of my sisters the day after the wedding, before she left to go back to VA.  She is going to wear it this coming weekend to her hubby's Military Intelligence Ball (Or at least, I think that's the ball that's this weekend!).


I did find a picture in my phone that I took of my dress when I bought it last year. Does not do it justice ... it just sparkles away in the sun! 🌞✨✨ 😊





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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!



Stunning!  I am sure everyone went wild over the way you looked!Smiley Happy

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@Trinity11 wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

@paixmcdao wrote:

If I was looking for fashion or beauty guidance, it sure would not be here. 

@paixmcdao Than I have to ask, why are you here?  To mock?  

She was kidding me @Sooner .


I consider her a very good friend that got me through a very difficult time in my life. I think I asked a lot of questions that were probably a bit complex for anyone here to answer. She's good peeps.💕😄 And one of the kindest people I have ever known.💐

@Trinity11 That's fine, but posted here, without context Woman Wink, for all to read, is just comes across as belittling those who take the time and effort to post. 

What more can I say @Sooner . I tried to explain but it went over like a lead balloon. Woman Sad


Next time, I will keep my "thoughts" to myself. Promise.



@Trinity11  I don't understand what's the big deal. @paixmcdao said nothing wrong. I feel the same way but my dressing is more in line with @wilma and @Icegoddess. That's what I mostly wear.


I hope this does not keep @paixmcdao  from posting.


If I like something, I will say if not, I won't.

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

[ Edited ]

@ECBG  everytime I see you in blue and black I remember when I lived in New York a friend of mine wore a pair of black pants and a blue blouse and a few of the women "talked behind her back" about how wrong it was. And I must say my friend looked good.


I never saw anything wrong with it.

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

[ Edited ]



Many thanks.  They didn't want me to leave today, but I had allergy shots.  Fun....well.. not too bad!

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@tends2dogs wrote:

I have also wondered about Annabelle the cat.  Any word from her @ECBG ?


@tends2dogs  I remember seeing a few Posts from Annabelle the cat on the Thread "for Birkenstock Lovers" under the Shoes Forum late August.

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@wilma wrote:

Welcome to a New Week! Hope it's a good one! 🌈


Our first choir rehearsal with the new director was interesting. On a positive note, he's very knowledgeable and organized. Practice was focused and helpful. I could definitely learn from him.


On a not so positive note, his preference for traditional choral music with piano or organ only means our guitarists, bass player, & other instrumentalists have nothing to do. How do you explain to people who have given decades of their lives to music ministry that they're "no longer needed"? These are my friends, and I'm upset and sad that they won't be able to continue their ministry with us.

I'm disappointed that the new director's view of music is so narrowly defined. Not sure why he was hired when our parish has a history of varied musical styles from traditional to contemporary with multiple instruments.  I won't be surprised if parishioners ask questions about why instrumentalists aren't there, and why our music selections are so focused on one particular style. 

We've had the same choir director for 40 years so I knew things would be different with a new director. It's just such a drastic change. It's going to be difficult to put on a happy face when my friends got kicked out. I'm going to take it one week at a time for now. 

Thanks for reading and letting me vent my concerns. 


@wilma  that's so sad. Are the other musicians members of the Church? If so, this is why people move around to other Churches that appreciate their talents. I hope someone talks up and lets the new director know that it's not all about him.

Oh I love, love, love a Bass.


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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@ECBG wrote:



Many thanks.  They didn't want me to leave today, but I had allergy shots.  Fun....well.. not too bad!


@ECBG  do you get the shots each week? Have they found out what you are allergic to? Hope the time will come when you no longer need to get the shots.