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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!


The pyramid top looks cool but I'm a little confused by it. Is there a zipper up the front? Is the cowl neck line part of it? It almost looks like a jacket

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@Andreatoo wrote:


The pyramid top looks cool but I'm a little confused by it. Is there a zipper up the front? Is the cowl neck line part of it? It almost looks like a jacket

@Andreatoo Yes, there is a zipper up the front.  In the catalog pic it was more of a diagnoal zipper than it turned out to be.  The cowl neckline is part of it.  It's made out of a knit fabric.  I suppose you could also wear it as a jacket.  

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@Icegoddess wrote:

@Andreatoo wrote:


The pyramid top looks cool but I'm a little confused by it. Is there a zipper up the front? Is the cowl neck line part of it? It almost looks like a jacket

@Andreatoo Yes, there is a zipper up the front.  In the catalog pic it was more of a diagnoal zipper than it turned out to be.  The cowl neckline is part of it.  It's made out of a knit fabric.  I suppose you could also wear it as a jacket.  


I like it I think it's really unique! I don't think I would wear it as a jacket I think I would wear it the way you are

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!



Really good looking outfit.  It looks good on you.  You & Andrea owe me an apology for having such cute little figures and I am built like a block.  ;-)

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@crawford5153 wrote:

A31637.jpegA31614.jpegThis is a timeless look @ECBG and both outfits would be just as nice with a long skirt and boots.


I had to go out today for an appointment and I wore a camel blazer that has a burgundy and dark brown stripe thru it and a burgundy wool turtleneck along with dark brown slacks. Also wore a pair of Clarks leather shoes in dark brown; a classic look. I also wore a gold necklace and pendant and gold earrings with the outfit..

@crawford5153    I love both of these.  I have similar blazers from LDO.  I love blazers on me.  Not everybody does and not everybody likes short blazers like this but I love them.  Longer articles of clothing make me appear shorter.

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@NYCLatinaMe wrote:

@ECBG wrote:

@Andreatoo @Judaline @crawford5153 @wilma 

@NYCLatinaMe and Ladies,


I was having a denim jacket moment in the gray day with no sun and rain!  I wore my new sweater, (Love the colors, theyre so happy!) still available from retail, their pink denim jacket, and the Silpada wedding necklace with white moonstone which I found on ebay a number of years ago when I was just learning to use ebay.  White moonstone ring, Etsy, white druzy etsy.







@ECBG Pretty in pink!  This is a nice color on you.  @Andreatoo was also wearing it too the other day and it was flattering on her too.  That was one of Joan Rivers style tips, that pink is a very flattering color.  I usually wear it in darker shades because my laundering skills are poor and stains are amongst my fiercest enemies (as is bleach), but maybe I should redouble my efforts to learn to launder so I can wear these flattering lighter shades.


I do like the dark pants.  I really only wear black or jeans.  Anything else is an 


@ECBG @Andreatoo 


ECBG, I love you in that color soft pink.  It makes you look younger.  

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@ECBG wrote:

@Andreatoo @Judaline @NYCLatinaMe @wilma 

@Icegoddess and Ladies,


After work today, I went and ordered a side by side refrigerator most of which was a gift from DS and our Daughter In Love. 

I was right below Dillards, and went in, immediately fell in love with the pale robin's egg blue light weight sweater and matching scarf which was ombre with dove gray.

I also got a black Karen Kane top with gray branch print.

I have a really cute dove gray long vest with hood that is a crinkle piece which I got at a beach boutique.  

@ECBG wrote:

@Andreatoo @Judaline @NYCLatinaMe @wilma 

@Icegoddess and Ladies,


After work today, I went and ordered a side by side refrigerator most of which was a gift from DS and our Daughter In Love. 

I was right below Dillards, and went in, immediately fell in love with the pale robin's egg blue light weight sweater and matching scarf which was ombre with dove gray.

I also got a black Karen Kane top with gray branch print.

I have a really cute dove gray long vest with hood that is a crinkle piece which I got at a beach boutique.  



Ah, hah.  Like me, you just can't stay out of Dillard's  LOL

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@Andreatoo wrote:

There's something so darn sexy about this man's voice.....


5B047D83-EFCF-4FA6-B3A5-131D02069D47.jpeg1830C8A2-FC8F-41B3-B7E6-4AC682A894CC.jpegmod x vest, Attitudes by Renee blouse, Tahari belt and true religion straight leg jeans

@Andreatoo that vest being the ame color as your pants, looks good on you.  You look taller and the white shirt brightens up your face on this cold day.

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@NYCLatinaMe wrote:

Pretty colors @ECBG!  The weightloss is really showing.  Clothes look kind of big on you.


And no need to hide your hips! We have seen you with fewer layers in the summer, and you always look good.  Normal hips!  I think when we are young and see the models in the magazine, we think we are expected to look like that.  As women we are body shamed for alleged imperfections.  We need to take pride in ourselves.  We all have our own beauty!


When I was a teenager, I thought my hips were too big.  I wore pleated pants and big flouncy skirts that I thought would make them less noticeable.  Eventually, in college, I accepted my body.  No more pleated pants and big skirts.  Then one day along came JLo (she is 7 years younger than me), and her hips were about the same as mine, and everybody thought she looked great.  


I feel stupid for all those years I was ashamed of my hips.  Silly.  I don't worry about my shape anymore.  Just my weight that needs to come down.


I think, in general, women look better with clothes that are properly fitted, and not buried in fabric.





And I don't have any hips so the grass is always greener.

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Re: Outfit of the day, if you dare!

@Andreatoo wrote:

How many words rhyme with Texas? 😉


E970BC14-FB15-4D42-AE95-4BFA7904F6CA.jpegGaharu (Amazon) blouse and Ann Taylor skinnies 

Mega cute.  Love it, love it.  You know I like those Ann Taylor jeans.  That top is adorable on you.  Now that's a winner, winner!!! from amazonian Amazon.