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Registered: ‎03-28-2010

I so agree with you. I was in disbelief when the model corrected Marla by stating she was actually in a larger size. I'm used to people claiming to be in a xxxsmall garment, even though my tv screen tells me that they're at the very least wearing a medium, even if the screen adds 10 lbs. I hate that hosts and models feel forced or shamed into lying about their actual size. Curves are beautiful, embrace them. Also, the same goes for lean and slender bodies.

Funny you mention that. My mother and I were watching QVC3 yesterday. DB was on with a coat and told the host to give the model the xxs to try on, the host told DB the model was wearing xs.
I was like ok, they ALL wear xs let's show how thin they are; give them the smallest size possible!🙂
Mom says that jacket is too small for her (lol).
I told her don't you know EVERYONE there wears xs-xxs? 😀
I have nothing against any size it's just c'mon, someone has to be a small or medium unless it's a hiring requirement to give measurements lol

Ditto to the poster that said something about clothes fitting too tight and looking like sausage casings.
HSN has always been guilty of this and now Q is going there. I've seen video and stills that show this. IMO, I cannot make a judgement on what a garment will look like on me if a model and host isn't wearing true fitting clothes.
But I admit to not buying much clothing here at the Q; when I do buy, it's HSN and I know what size I take normally because I stick to brands I like.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I like her too--her clothes are very classy and generally I like her coors and styles--but just not for me and my lifestyle anymore--- altho maybe a piece or 2 can find their way to my closet.

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Posts: 7,078
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

I just donated two sweater capes I bought in a moment of weakness.  Wrinkles and static electricity were so bad I couldn't wear.