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He should be banned from award shows. He's an idiot. Poor little North.

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Kanye won't go away .... so I stopped watching the Grammys and the AMAs. :-(

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On 2/10/2015 Gidge said: Kanye has ALWAYS behaved like this, even before he lost his mom. He needs to learn to reign in his outbursts; it just makes him look like an arrogant fool!

As much as I am not a Kardashian fan, Kim (& the baby too) brings out a softer side to him. At The Grammy's he was just joking with Beck - didn't you see him laugh when he left the stage? Much of the audience was too.

And as much of a Kanye fan I am NOT- I thought his solo was great. Very moving lyrics - he has a really nice tone to his voice. And it wasn't RAP ! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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On 2/10/2015 ibb38 said:
On 2/10/2015 Gidge said: Kanye has ALWAYS behaved like this, even before he lost his mom. He needs to learn to reign in his outbursts; it just makes him look like an arrogant fool!

As much as I am not a Kardashian fan, Kim (& the baby too) brings out a softer side to him. At The Grammy's he was just joking with Beck - didn't you see him laugh when he left the stage? Much of the audience was too.

And as much of a Kanye fan I am NOT- I thought his solo was great. Very moving lyrics - he has a really nice tone to his voice. And it wasn't RAP ! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

I thought he was joking at his own expense expense at first.Then I saw his interview on E After party. He was so rude about Beck. He is so arrogant.I like his songs Gold digger and his song with Katie Perry. His feud with Jimmy Kimmel was nuts.His ego ..ugh!!
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On 2/10/2015 ibb38 said:
On 2/10/2015 Gidge said: Kanye has ALWAYS behaved like this, even before he lost his mom. He needs to learn to reign in his outbursts; it just makes him look like an arrogant fool!

As much as I am not a Kardashian fan, Kim (& the baby too) brings out a softer side to him. At The Grammy's he was just joking with Beck - didn't you see him laugh when he left the stage? Much of the audience was too.

And as much of a Kanye fan I am NOT- I thought his solo was great. Very moving lyrics - he has a really nice tone to his voice. And it wasn't RAP ! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

That was auto-tune. Also, maybe he was joking as he walked onto the stage, but he surely wasn't joking afterwards.

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On 2/10/2015 ibb38 said:
On 2/10/2015 Gidge said: Kanye has ALWAYS behaved like this, even before he lost his mom. He needs to learn to reign in his outbursts; it just makes him look like an arrogant fool!

As much as I am not a Kardashian fan, Kim (& the baby too) brings out a softer side to him. At The Grammy's he was just joking with Beck - didn't you see him laugh when he left the stage? Much of the audience was too.

And as much of a Kanye fan I am NOT- I thought his solo was great. Very moving lyrics - he has a really nice tone to his voice. And it wasn't RAP ! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

That's his softer side??? I will agree his solo was good. I was surprised he actually has a decent voice. Too bad his personality is so obnoxious. The guy needs some therapy.

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Unfortunately we live in the society now where the biggest low lives are the biggest celebrities. Classy people are practically extinct . Look at the singers, actors, reality shows, all these wives of whatever......
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I'm not familiar with Beck's music but my husband is and from what I heard on the entertainment news the next day is that Beck writes and produces his songs whereas Beyonce has a team of twenty-five writers and producers that work with her.

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On 2/10/2015 wakefield64 said:

All I can say is that he and his wife are a match of wits. Love the way she was looking at him during his outburst like he was reciting the Gettysburg Address......what a match made in heaven.

THIS is the funniest post I have read on this board, I think!

So true.....{#emotions_dlg.laugh}{}{}{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Registered: ‎03-05-2011
There is news now that Kanye West and Taylor Swift will be working together. I heard it on GMA this morning.