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Re: O/T What is you earliest childhood memory?

The first memory I have is when my twin sister & I were 4 yo. She had polio & I could not see her for at least 10 days. I think that is how long she was in the hospital. I remember my parents coming home from visiting her & they had to wash their hands in a stinky liquid solution that killed the germs. She got a really beautiful doll from a relative & it had to be tossed out as she wasn't allowed to bring it home with her. We all lived in a very sterile environment for a long time after that. She had no lasting effects so she was one of the lucky ones.

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Re: O/T What is you earliest childhood memory?

1951, I was 3 & visiting grandparents who were living in Canada at the time. My grandmother bought me a doll that was about as big as me. According to my mother, my visit was cut short because my grandparents received a telegram that their 2nd son, my uncle Jim, was killed in Korea.

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Re: O/T What is you earliest childhood memory?

I believe it was an image I have of being in a crib standing up.

I once described it in detail to my mother and she said my image was correct in my descriptions of the room.

Our brains aren't wired to process and remember things too early. Our neurological system just can't do it. We don't possess the words to do it.

Other than that, I don't have any memories much before kindergarten.


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Re: O/T What is you earliest childhood memory?

I was 2 and remember it as vividly as if it was yesterday. I was sitting in a high chair in the kitchen surrounded by extended family members as well as my Mother and Dad. Daddy told me to stop rocking back and forth in that highchair but I continued. After he suddenly took me out of that high chair I got a soft slap on the butt but I never did that again; learned that when Daddy said no he meant it. Will always be thankful for the discipline I got when I disobeyed; believe me it was always deserved the few times it happened.

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Re: O/T What is you earliest childhood memory?

On 7/23/2014 Harpa said:

My earliest is at 6 months, when Hurricane Hazel came through the east brother & sister (toddlers) were so excited and anxious to get out and play in it, and I was laying in the crib.

My Mom said she was little like that, too, when she was sitting on her Mom's lap. It was Halloween, and she remembers some kid had dressed up in a red devil's costume and she got scared & cried.

Amazing memory you have, Harpa.

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Re: O/T What is you earliest childhood memory?

I remember riding on an elephant with my dad at a fair when I was about 4. My dad said I was so excited and happy about it and was surprised I remembered from that young.

edited to add a missing word

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Re: O/T What is you earliest childhood memory?

When my mother was pregnant with my little brother, I remember vividly that she sat on the edge of the bathtub and fell in. There was no water in the tub!! I am two years older than he I was two plus a couple of months when this happened. I kind of remember the commotion...everyone was so concerned that she might miscarry!

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Re: O/T What is you earliest childhood memory?

Stuff like, Kukla Fran & Ollie & Buster Brown, and Ding dong school. (All on t.v.) So when we got one at the house, I was a fan of the original kid shows. Do remember my sister in her crib and the first house we lived in. So 4 yrs. old and some. ??

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Re: O/T What is you earliest childhood memory?

Falling off of the top mattress of a bunk bed.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: O/T What is you earliest childhood memory?

On 7/23/2014 HiLo said:
On 7/23/2014 Harpa said:

My earliest is at 6 months, when Hurricane Hazel came through the east brother & sister (toddlers) were so excited and anxious to get out and play in it, and I was laying in the crib.

My Mom said she was little like that, too, when she was sitting on her Mom's lap. It was Halloween, and she remembers some kid had dressed up in a red devil's costume and she got scared & cried.

Amazing memory you have, Harpa.

I actually have a couple more before I was 2, but I think that one was my earliest. I remember one specific time when my Mom was changing me; I remember another time in the crib with the featherbed (but we were in our new house, so it had to have been after Hazel.)

hyacinth, I know what you mean about young brains and undeveloped vocabulary. In any event when my young grandchildren are over, I like to give them the happiest sensations I possibly can - you just don't know what's going to stick as far as a memory.

Now I have to ask my daughter how far back she can remember! Smiley Happy