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Re: O/T: What IS your 'splurge' ??


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Re: O/T: What IS your 'splurge' ??

My splurge is Cottonelle. My b**t is worth it. Also I only buy Heinz ketchup & Bush baked beans (in a can). I like nice clothes & bags, but never go overboard. Not the kind of $$$ on QVC. My DH & I love to travel so that is our fun splurge. Memories can't be beat. Next March we will be celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary, Lord willing. We will be planning a nice vacation when that time comes.

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Re: O/T: What IS your 'splurge' ??

I splurge on travel...I want to have more than enough spending money so I can buy all the quirky souvenirs I want.

I splurge on things I need to do for my convenience like delivered groceries.

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Re: O/T: What IS your 'splurge' ??

On 2/15/2014 CookyJ said: My gym membership and sessions with a personal trainer occasionally......and anything our fur baby needs or wants. No expensive is spared on her! Lol.

I don't consider the gym membership a splurge. That's really a necessary item for my well-being.

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Registered: ‎03-02-2013

Re: O/T: What IS your 'splurge' ??

Travel...I went to Botswana on safari, Disney World and on a New Year's cruise last year.

I'm not tied to any food brand, but I prefer 100% Kona coffee. I won't touch K Cups or, heaven forbid, Folgers which contain robusta beans. Other splurges include jewelry for me and camera equipment for DH.

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Re: O/T: What IS your 'splurge' ??

I have what some would say are too many splurges. One of my favorite is that I get my sheets and pillowcases dry cleaned.

I love climbing in the bed at night (with Jack the cat) when the sheets are cleaned and ironed. He and I lay there in fluffy blankets with a flat screened TV (that swings out from the wall) and enjoy life. Ahhhh! That's one of my favorite splurges. I think that's a splurge.

I have given friends and family high thread count sheets and had them dry cleaned. So far they've said they'd rather spend their money on other things. It's worth it for me.

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Re: O/T: What IS your 'splurge' ??

My splurge is to create less waste. The fewer chemicals we use in life the better. Vegetarian as much as possible. Free-range and grass-fed poultry and meats. Creating a less invasive carbon footprint. That includes over-fluffed over-bleached TP clogging up public septic systems. All that ends up dumping into the treatment plants.

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Re: O/T: What IS your 'splurge' ??

Definitely our biggest splurge is our lake house. I love it so much!

New releases for my Kindle

An ipad mini

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Re: O/T: What IS your 'splurge' ??

Much of my splurge comes from having more time for leisure. Splurging my time looking at handbags and shoes are fun for me. I rarely pay full price for accessories and I don't overbuy. Travel is more abundant now. Spring baseball training camp in Phoenix. Short trips to visit our daughter. Favorite places and new adventures.

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: O/T: What IS your 'splurge' ??

I don't know why I didn't think of this before. I splurge on my noncaloric sweetener. I use xylitol (Ideal brand). It was recommended to me by someone on the boards. Her nutritionist recommended it to her. It tastes just like sugar, but it is pricey. A 10.6 oz bag cost $5.49 on Netrition. However, it doesn't take much to sweeten something. Awesome product, and Xylitol is considered safe...and actually has some health benefits.

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