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Re: O/T How well do you know your neighbors and how much interaction do you have?

We have some really great neighbors. Most if us have live on this street for 18 years and many have become our good friends too!

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Re: O/T How well do you know your neighbors and how much interaction do you have?

We lived in a "starter house" subdivision for the first 18 years of our marriage. Everyone was friendly, I knew almost all of my immediate neighbors. We moved across town into a brand new more affluent part of town. We've been here 18 years also. I barely know any of my neighbors. These neighbors all work and no one is ever home. No one takes walks or even gardens! I love my home but really miss my old neighborhood.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: O/T How well do you know your neighbors and how much interaction do you have?

We live in a lovely development, where all the houses are somewhat close together. Oddly enough, I really don't know any of my neighbors.

We do share the occasional, "Good Morning" or "How are you?", but that's pretty much where it ends. We seem to share the most conversations with people who are walking by with their young children. We have young children as well, so I guess that's why.

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Registered: ‎02-10-2013

Re: O/T How well do you know your neighbors and how much interaction do you have?

I am a house renter and have been at the same house for 12yrs or so. Most of the neighborhood (cul-de-sac) has turned over at least once, as it was a much older demographic and now it is mostly late middle-aged/families. We are a corner lot, so we only have one immediate neighbor. Everyone keeps to themselves, but as in the case of this past winter, my husband helped the neighbor's wife when she was stuck in one of the snow storms here in MA. I think most people on our street would do that, even though none of us socialize.

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Registered: ‎07-12-2011

Re: O/T How well do you know your neighbors and how much interaction do you have?

We have lived here for 10 years. Most of our neighbors are about our age or older. We have a neighborhood association and have done meetings for crime watch etc. There is only one other couple we socialize with because our hobbies are similar. All others are friendly etc. I do like baseline contact through the meetings stated above as it gives us a change to be mindful of things that are happening in the neighborhood. Two weeks ago, someone had a break in, so I am glad our neighbor gave us the heads up.