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O/T Are you naturally an organized person or do you have to work at it...

I would love to be one of those naturally organized folks but I am not. Am working on getting the whole house weeded out of unnecessary items and getting things in some kind of order. I don't have clutter sitting around it's closets, cabinets and such. My Dad was very organized but man that trait skipped a generation. To those who are naturally organized I envy you.

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Re: O/T Are you naturally an organized person or do you have to work at it...

Naturally. Anything less is chaotic to me.

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Re: O/T Are you naturally an organized person or do you have to work at it...

I arrived in the world with organization in my DNA.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: O/T Are you naturally an organized person or do you have to work at it...

Me? I'm about as naturally disorganized as a person can be. That's just who I am. I accept it now. I try my best because life is so much easier and happier when I am organized but it's hard.

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Re: O/T Are you naturally an organized person or do you have to work at it...

I am neat, orderly and organized. I've been that way since I was a young girl. Might have something to do with being a first-born!

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Re: O/T Are you naturally an organized person or do you have to work at it...

I'm a little bit of both.

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Re: O/T Are you naturally an organized person or do you have to work at it...

Thanks for the input. I agree that the "a place for everything and everything in its place" makes life easier. I am retiring at the end of March and hope that within a short time I will have the house the way I want it. I absolutely hate hunting for something I know I have and can't find it. I have too much of everything and 90% of it is going. I need to have my daughter help me, she is ruthless when it comes to getting rid of unused stuff.

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Re: O/T Are you naturally an organized person or do you have to work at it...

On 3/4/2015 maddiecat said:

I am neat, orderly and organized. I've been that way since I was a young girl. Might have something to do with being a first-born!

Sorry, Maddie! I'm first born and about as disorganized as they come. Funny, when I was working, my work life was as crisp as the military. I guess that's why my personal side was always disheveled. Now that I'm retired, I can't seem to apply that professional skill to home life. I'm still a mess and unfortunately, DH is made the same way.

My younger brother got the neat gene. His home looks like he's just moved in or is just moving out. Incredible.

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Re: O/T Are you naturally an organized person or do you have to work at it...

A little of both. The happy medium.

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Re: O/T Are you naturally an organized person or do you have to work at it...

I am a first born also, and a Capricorn (if one believes that stuff). I was very organized years ago when I was a single working mother with four kids to raise. All I did was work . . . on the job and at home, so everything had to be organized.

Since RA and my other afflictions, that has gone down the drain and, believe me, it bothers me a lot.

It's the reason I have given so much of my things (not only clothing) away for the last ten years, and this time, really thinning out everything. When I leave here, I will have my bedroom furniture, TV, computer, paintings, and boxes, and that is it.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986