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Bob Mackie is 82 years old and has had a wonderful career!


His name will forever be associated with high fashion and celebrities like Cher and Carol Burnett.  He even helped to design the famous Marilyn Monroe gown. What a fantastic legacy.


Mr. Mackie was a star at QVC for many years.


I purchased his special silk blouses, his sequined jackets, his lovely sweaters, and so forth.


But, time and fashion are always changing, and those elaborate outfits are no longer as popular.


Also, Bob probably has no interest in flying back and forth across the country to do the Q shows.


Bob Mackie will always be remembered as one of the greatest!



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@Kachina624  Yea they kind of did George Simonton like that too.  It would have been nice to have some kind of farewell show for George and Bob.    Louis Dell Olio was able to warn his fans via his blog.  Even if they didn't have a farewell show, it would have been nice to at least say something.  

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I think it is a sign of the times. Since the lockdown, most people seem to be out of the habit of dressing to go to work, or even dressing to go out. So many people worked in their pajamas and our whole society seems to be more casual. Casual Fridays seem to last all week now. 

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QVC has definitely failed in replacing either of these designers. None of the new ones come even close to Louis. 

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He’s 82. I’d hardly blame him for retiring.
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I have silk blouses of his, but they stopped selling them on QVC, so I stopped buying. I think  it came down to quality verses price. The Q seems more concerned with cutting cost of production and no established designer is going to put his name on clothing made from cheap fabric, cheap buttons and poorly made.

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Probably retired.  His designs were timeless.


curtain dress.jpg

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As a lover and collector of fine scarves, some of Bob's older silk scarves sold by QVC in the 1990s are still in my possession.  The special feature of the scarves was that Bob really did sketch the original prints.  The quality is great too.  These are 100% heavy gauge silk scarves and they have given me years of wear.  I have them dry cleaned so that they remain as beautiful today as they were the day they arrived at my home.   

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Such a shame this man was disrespected.  Showings were relegated to QVC2 in recent years then he left without a send off.  QVC should have had a farewell show for the man. Meanwhile they let other designers pollute the airwaves. 

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I suppose business is business and if they don't meet their selling requirements, poof!