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Re: Nicole's Bikini 🌞🌅

She has a pretty body. To me the suit is too little girl for her age. As long as she likes it that is what matters.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: Nicole's Bikini 🌞🌅

@Nancy Drew I agree with you.  It is a cute suit but it does look kinda young.  On the other hand at least it's not see-thru like some of these people wear.  Also, like you said, 'if she likes it, it works'.

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Re: Nicole's Bikini 🌞🌅

Don't like the suit at all.  Maybe on a six-year-old.

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Re: Nicole's Bikini 🌞🌅

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@blackhole99 I agree with you.  I've seen lots of pictures as many of you have and she has almost no boobs, I mean very, very flat because she's so skinny.  That's true of a lot of these actresses and models.


This one looks like she has some boob.  I never thought she went out in the sun at all.  I've read little blips about her and it led me to believe she hates and stays totally out of the sun.


When she was making that movie that first brought her to the public with Billy Zane and they filmed on the water with the boat, I remember she talked about how hard it was to stay away from the sun because she burned so easily.  That and she has very, very curly hair that was one friz ball when it got wet.


That was a long time ago but I always remembered that.  I wish my brain would remember useful stuff but it has a mind of it's to speak.


@Annabellethecat66- That movie was Dead Calm (1989) with Nicole, Billy, and Sam Neil.  That was a good movie and I certainly remember how good Sam Neil looked.  Of course, Billy looked good too.


Image result for movie with nicole kidman and billy zane


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Re: Nicole's Bikini 🌞🌅

I remember when she was in every other movie that came out! Loved her in To Die For

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Re: Nicole's Bikini 🌞🌅

@Greeneyedlady21    thanks for posting the full length picture, I still can't tell that it's NK, but that's no doubt what she prefers anyway.

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Re: Nicole's Bikini 🌞🌅

That is adorable! I love this. 

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Re: Nicole's Bikini 🌞🌅

She doesn't appeal to me at all, there's something odd and cold about her, like an ice statue...

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Re: Nicole's Bikini 🌞🌅

@VanSleepy wrote:

Don't like the suit at all.  Maybe on a six-year-old.

I agree, it does not look like an adult suit.   

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Re: Nicole's Bikini 🌞🌅

She looks cute.  She has to somewhat disguise herself so she is not attacked by the crowd.  Who took the pictures?  The Paparazzi?

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