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On 10/23/2014 Remee said:
On 10/23/2014 NYwoman said:

They probably asked because it has been reported recently that because of the fact that there was no autopsy (Jewish tradition) and the facts brought out by the NYC Health Dept, the only way for Melissa to find out the definitive cause of death is to sue. This would force depositions and facts to come out. Sad, but true.

This may be Jewish tradition but the N.Y. medical examiner did an autopsy on Joan to investigate her death an to insure that the procedure she had done was done properly and was not the cause of her death, and the report was made public. I read it.

As much as Joan supported Israel and did charity work for Jewish causes, I don't think Jewish tradition guided her actions - she was cremated after all.

All these reports now about no autoposy just shows how much the media manipulates the news. Who knows what's really true about the autopsy! (Probably Melissa and her lawyers!)

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I doubt it will go to trial. There will probably be a settlement, unless Melissa refuses to be paid off. She may want justice and I wouldn't blame her.

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I don't believe that money has anything to do with it in Melissa's case. She has told friends that she wants a full accounting of what happened and the only way that can happen is if the doctors and others involved have to testify for the record. Otherwise they clam up. She's fortunate that she has the money to do this. Many of us don't and are unable to learn fully what happened to our loved ones. Lawyers will not take a case on contingency unless it looks like a winner in court so, in effect, those of us who are not wealthy do not ever get to the truth.