Valued Contributor
Posts: 662
Registered: ‎05-02-2011

This past weekend we took a short trip and went through Chicago. I saw many maxi dresses and skirts. At our family picnic, one family member wore a maxi dress. Here are the results of my observations:

Family member: rocked the dress, she's 5' 7" and 100 lbs. She looked like she was going to an elegant affair. She had on 3 inch wedges. Granted she couldn't move fast and since she has an 18 month old and a 4 year old, others had to chase after them.

I saw 7 maxi dresses that I thought were nightgowns. Looked silly on them walking into the rest areas on the toll road.

There were 4 maxi's that were on shorter people that were somewhat overweight, and it made them look even bigger because they are't fitted, they are very wide garments.

I really don't see the attraction to maxis, I don't want to look like that!