I know all that. Where I live, those have been the only jobs available to have until even they were no longer available. I know you think that you are right, but ppl are more resilient than that. That's the whole nature of manufacturing jobs. They're repetitive. But it's also work that puts food on the table and parts of this country are ready for them. Many of those skills you lament are learned, not instinctive. There's lots of towns in desperate need of jobs. It's like a desert here where I live in terms of work. There's food service and Walmart. That's it. Literally 30 miles outside the state capitol, the jobs disappear. Small towns are not getting industry. There's so many poor states that imo your opinion is just too generalizing. No offense.
I had to smile about what you said too because of what I've done to pay my bills all my life and because of what almost every single person I've ever known has also done. If your last post was true, we'd all have been homeless our entire lives. 🙂
I mean no offense @igfan, but I have personal knowledge of all this. Every day.