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Registered: ‎08-04-2014

What's with the loud music on the SG program tonight! Are they trying to tell her to stop talking because the segment is over? My auditory nerves were on overload tonight.

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I didn't think it was too loud. Could it have been that your TV volume was turned up?
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It was way worse when she was with Leah. It was so much louder than anything else that was going on, it was so bizarre. The audio tech needs to review the programming. It shouldn't be "jump out of your seat" loud.
OP, I don't think it's your t.v volume since I always notice it too.

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One of my main gripes in today's stores. You can't go any place without some da*n music blaring when your trying to grocery or clothes shop. When I go out I want to get away from phones, loud music, etc.

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On 8/4/2014 Sharke said:

One of my main gripes in today's stores. You can't go any place without some da*n music blaring when your trying to grocery or clothes shop. When I go out I want to get away from phones, loud music, etc.

Boy do ITA! One day I was at the meat counter in my grocery store and music was so loud the clerk and I couldn't even hear each other. Music is soooo loud in local Macy's I now go to a different Macy's store. Same with restaurants - music is so loud can't even talk. Why do they do this?

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I didn't even notice it!

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I only caught half the show but I noticed the loud, weird music too. It was blasting between segements of the show. Very strange.

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My eardrums seem almost shattered from the kind of loud stuff that goes on all around us. Ear Dr. told me he had never seen so many young people with hearing problems as he sees these days. And I'm sure this will be just the tip of the iceberg in the future. It is so commonplace these days that I think there are people who just don't notice it anymore until their hearing problems become obvious. The brain's natural instinct is to want to hear something soothing. That's also what Dr. Ben Carson discovered.and the music he played while doing pediatric surgery at Johns Hopkins.

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I didn't notice it during this show, but I was clicking back and forth from another tv show. I can't stand people talking over music. To me, it should be one or the other, but not BOTH.

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I only checked in a few times, so didn't notice. Maybe the intent was like it is for the awards shows (like Academy Awards, Emmys, etc) when they start the music low then escalate the volume as a way of telling whoever's on stage that their time's up?

I have a hard time watching the SG presentations because she won't let the host go through all the colors first, then interject her comments about the details.