Posts: 42
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Losing Weight is so Frustrating - in so Many Ways (or Weights)!

First, let me explain, I'm not sorry for losing weight. It is just so very frustrating!

I'm about 1/2 way through the process, and it is taking a very long time, which is good because I'm 56 and my skin won't look good at all if the weight loss is fast, but sheesh! I've been stuck for about a month at a plateau.

Meanwhile, I'm going through my semi-annual clothing shift. We have very limited closet space in this house, and every six months, I sort through the winter clothing and give to the consignment shop that which I don't want or doesn't fit. The remainder goes into storage.

I've dropped about 2 sizes this past winter so a lot of clothing is going into the consingment pile for next fall. This is a good thing. Unfortunately, the cashmere sweaters cannot be tailored and they too are in the pile - this is a bad thing. So sad and frustrating.

I'm also going through my spring/summer clothing and sorting out that which I don't want or doesn't fit and that is going into the consignment pile for immediate delivery. This is a very large pile. This is when it gets frustrating again. Some of the items I really love and they cannot be tailored (most are the old citiknits clothing). They cannot be replaced, so I'm just S-O-L. And, because I'm only 1/2 way through the process, I don't want to invest in much of anything, just need a few items to get through the spring/summer months, but some of the new spring/summer fashions are really cute!

I'm trying to get some motivation in the fact that I am two sizes smaller, and it can be good to clear out a lot of "stuff", but it seems that which I really enjoyed wearing is what needs to go! Some of the clothing can adapt to the smaller size, but many items just look stupid.

Another part of the frustration is the fact that I cannot solace myself with ice cream!

Sorry to rant so long, just need to vent - thanks for listening!