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I know I am late to the party on this subject, I only just found out Lisa left, the holidays were crazy busy for me, I didn't watch much Q, I missed Lisa's announcement and assumed she was on vacay, but kept waiting for her return.... I am so sad! I feel like a BFF moved away...AGAIN, since that just happened to me last year. Smiley Sad I need closure, I need a Best of Lisa DVD, I need a Lisaholics support group. Or maybe I just needed to burden you all with my Johnny-come-lately sadness, and now I'll move on. Thanks for reading. Smiley Happy
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Here ya go, her own Facebook page. She posts lots, and actually replies to questions. She seems so relaxed, and real.

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Lisa will be a guest host on Project Runway All Stars on Thursday Jan 22. Miss her on The Q . Her shows were the only ones I liked to watch. I have high hopes for Alberti.
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She has a FB page and she posts on Pinterest. I'm LR fan and I missed her QVC presence......for about a week.
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You're funny. I forget she is gone until I come here to the forum.

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Have not missed her one second... time to move on and get rid of old and in with the new.

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On 1/16/2015 momcat said:

You're funny. I forget she is gone until I come here to the forum.

me too. LOL

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I miss Lisa R on QVC. She seemed to host the shows I generally look at. She was very good at her job. I probably will save money now she is no longer a host.

Posts: 28
Registered: ‎04-20-2010

I love Lisa and miss her, too. I am going through the same "Lisa withdrawal."

She was beautiful, well-spoken, elegant, classy, a terrific sales person . . . a star! She was the best ever on QVC. None of the current hosts measure up to Lisa. I love Jill, Jane, Pat and some of the other long-termers, not to take anything away from them, and sometimes I can even take Shawn; but Lisa was "Miss QVC" in my book and an excellent representative in the community. She added the elegance, class and quality that reinforced in the public eye that QVC is far above all the other shopping networks. "The times they are a changin'" and QVC is changing and I'm not sure for the better. To me Lisa leaving is a huge loss to QVC. I definitely won't be watching as much in 2015.

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On 1/16/2015 annabella said:

Have not missed her one second... time to move on and get rid of old and in with the new.

Where's the new on QVC?