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Posts: 2
Registered: ‎06-16-2011


A while back I bought the red jacket with black trim that also came in royal with black, and camel with black or dark brown. When you introduced the liquid knit maxi skirts I bought the black and white. It was a toss up between the animal with orange and the black and white but finally decided on the black and white. I tried it with the red jacket with black trim and wore a black tank with it to church one Sunday. I got more compliments on it than anything I have worn. The jacket alone is an attention getter but to put it with the skirt, I felt like I had just stepped out of Vogue. The only thing missing was a wide brimmed hat, but I didn't want to overdo. You may want to suggest these two items together. It is very classy looking and the skirt is very slenderizing with the black on white and diagonal design. Another winner for you. My closet is running over with SG. Thanks for making my shopping so easy.

Beverly Watts