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Has the denim vest come and gone? I saw it up last night on the web site although every size and color was on wait list. Today it is not available at all. Did I miss the boat? It was just shown on TV over a few tops.

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I know a lot of ladies love vests, I'm just not a vest person. I think it makes my already wide shoulders look wider. I don't see women wearing a lot of vest where I live....maybe it 's a regional look or they are worn more often in other areas of the country where it's a more popular look.

I think it's great however Louis is doing more denim pieces!!

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They pulled the vest along with the pants.

Hopefully the entire grouping (vest, pants, jacket, dress) will be online soon.

Fortēs fortūna adjuvat
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I LOVE vests. In fact, I wish that SG would make some of her vests shorter for we shorter women who don't need a lot of garment flowing behind us.

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I ordered it days ago when it popped up and all were on WL. I thought it would be presented this time and it would ship. But, you are right, that they say Sold Out which means they are not in the system so far. Fingers crossed they will be available soon. mine shows that it is on WL still.

Posts: 43
Registered: ‎03-03-2014

I was so happy to see the denim jacket, vest and ankle pants, so I ordered a couple of colors of each item. The computer showed "waitlist" on the vests and pants, but I read on the QVC site something about the items are shown as waitlist until they are listed with an item number (don't remember the exact wording). Assuming that my order for the vests and pants were being held for me until the showing I watched the show and placed orders for several coordinating items that would go with the denim pieces. What happened to the denim vests and pants? Now I'm not certain whether I should cancel the items I ordered or hold my breath that the denim items will eventually appear on line again. How does one coordinate several pieces within the thirty day trial period if not given the chance to have the pieces together? This may happen all the time and just new to me; I'm trying to understand the process. Love the styles and colors.

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On 3/3/2014 popsicle toes said:

I was so happy to see the denim jacket, vest and ankle pants, so I ordered a couple of colors of each item. The computer showed "waitlist" on the vests and pants, but I read on the QVC site something about the items are shown as waitlist until they are listed with an item number (don't remember the exact wording). Assuming that my order for the vests and pants were being held for me until the showing I watched the show and placed orders for several coordinating items that would go with the denim pieces. What happened to the denim vests and pants? Now I'm not certain whether I should cancel the items I ordered or hold my breath that the denim items will eventually appear on line again. How does one coordinate several pieces within the thirty day trial period if not given the chance to have the pieces together? This may happen all the time and just new to me; I'm trying to understand the process. Love the styles and colors.

Hang on to those waitlisted pieces. You will receive them. Items when they are entered into QVC's system are sometimes waitlisted (it means they are coming but not in the warehouse for shipping yet).

I believe the Q took the pants away because there is only a certain amount of them that they waitlist before they remove from the site. I know, silly of them to do that!!

I have returned items over the 30 day return period-- if you tell customer service the two items were not available to try together that is a valid excuse.

I hate the way the Q does business by holding one or two items off from a complete look. They do this all the time!!

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Do they pull this with the other vendors too, JJM? It really seems to be they've been messing with Louis lately and maybe that's why he appears crabby to some people. I know the fish thing really has him PO'ed. Surely he doesn't want so many things to be shown as available and then not, and then out of stock.

Posts: 43
Registered: ‎03-03-2014

Thanks for your advice. The system went from saying "waitlist" to "we're sorry this item is not available at this time," but now checked my order status and it's says "waitlist; billed upon shipment." Louis said something to the effect that the quantities of clothing ordered are left up to the buyers at QVC and not by him. He works so hard to bring us what we ask for. He mentioned an upcoming show (3/28)? I just discovered his blog and will follow the details on what and when (that is very helpful). Although I have shopped at QVC for many years, I have not ordered much from this line but am starting to like some of the newer lines. Hope we all get the pieces we want. Happy Spring!

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March 27th.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼