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I just received my first, wine, longer Marvelush shrug and like the length, softness and drape, but am concerned about reviews that warn about immediate pilling. Has yours been a mess in a short time or stretched out looking or does it still look nice after a year?

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Re: Like your Marvelush Shrug?

I got the gray last year ... looks perfectly fine today. I got the black this year.

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Re: Like your Marvelush Shrug?

Great, I appreciate your answer. I've been hesitant to take advantage of the sales if it wasn't a decent investment for myself or gift giving. Not thrilled with the saddle-bag excess fabric but really like the rear coverage and effortless yet pulled together look of these....more flattering to me than a poncho, short shrug, or sweater.

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Re: Like your Marvelush Shrug?

On 11/18/2014 foggy! said:

Great, I appreciate your answer. I've been hesitant to take advantage of the sales if it wasn't a decent investment for myself or gift giving. Not thrilled with the saddle-bag excess fabric but really like the rear coverage and effortless yet pulled together look of these....more flattering to me than a poncho, short shrug, or sweater.

You can handle the "distribution" of the fabric to suit your preference. Pay attention to the amount of fabric you allow for a "shawl collar" effect. The bigger the collar, the less fabric you'll have around the lower part and you'll have a better drape and a better look.

Play around in front of the mirror to find your "sweet spot."

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Re: Like your Marvelush Shrug?

You're right! I had been folding the collar only about 2" in the interest of more length, but folding more like 6-7" not only tightens the width, but makes a much prettier shawl over the shoulders, and a warmer feeling around my neck and shoulders with now double fabric. The new length is fine-a couple inches above the back of my knee, plenty of rear coverage without clinging. I do believe a black one is my next purchase.

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Re: Like your Marvelush Shrug?

I ordered one of these, and then when it arrived I ordered five more! I wear one every day and have had no problems.

I teach college, so I need to wear something that looks attractive and also lets me move around the room, write on the board, etc.

But I am also freezing cold all the time, and this keeps me warm when I sit to meet with students, grade papers, etc.

These are warm and so very soft! I am 5'9" and weigh 175 pounds. I ordered the "Plus" because I wanted more fabric to wrap around. I LOVE these! And I always get compliments.

I use a Joan Rivers pin near the top or along the "collar" to add a little more dressiness. I feel really pretty in these! I think, for the price, they are wonderful!

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Re: Like your Marvelush Shrug?

Thanks to this thread, I checked this out and decided to try one from "as is" as I intend to wear it in the house. I've tried "as is" before and got a perfect item. If this is perfect, I may venture out with it. In the meantime, I saved some money but I may have saved more if I hadn't seen this thread.

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Re: Like your Marvelush Shrug?

Oh 65, that's a great review! Wow what a sell. I can see this being a really good item for you in your line of work. Flexible, soft, not long-sleeved, covers backside, matchable colors, and stylish, what more could we want? You inspire!

Kona, you gave me a chuckle. For the "as is" price and refundable option, we really can't go wrong, eh?! You will look and feel great.

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Re: Like your Marvelush Shrug?

OMG, thanks for the heads-up on the as-is! I ordered 2 on TSV day and gifted one (wine), but haven't been able to let go of the second (black), but it still has the tag on it. Thanks to KonaKat, I just ordered 2 more in black for gifts and I can keep my original with the tag on and start enjoying it!