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Let's Share Our Favorite Fashion Bloggers

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On You Tube I found Justine Leconte.  This incredibly talented lady is in her 30's and has studied design.  She takes the viewer through all types of area involving dressing successfully beginning with body styles.


This is exactly the way I taught my clothing classes.

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Re: Let's Share Our Favorite Fashion Bloggers

Brenda Kinsel.  She's just a little offbeatSmiley Happy

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Re: Let's Share Our Favorite Fashion Bloggers

I enjoy "Une Femme d'un Certain Age".   She's a Californian who writes about fashion and lifestyle stuff with verve.


Also like "The Daily Connoisseur".    Jennifer L. Scott is a young blogger and author of "Lessons from Madame Chic".    She's one of the ones who advocate a limited wardrobe of a few key pieces.  I admire that a lot, but would never be able to be that disciplined...

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Re: Let's Share Our Favorite Fashion Bloggers

Another one I really love is Imogen Lamport, of the Aussie site "Inside Out Style".


This Melbourne blogger does all kinds of stuff on how your coloring should influence clothing choices, and even how the level of contrast in your coloring is crucial to know.  She uses examples of real women and celebs with different looks to make her points.

Very insightful and fun.

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Re: Let's Share Our Favorite Fashion Bloggers

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Disclaimer: Fashion blogs this week are all about the Nordstrom sale, and they all look alike lol. This is a bad week to judge them. That said, I like all of these.



Style at a Certain Age (Beth Djalali).

I love her grown-up-preppy style. 


Jo Lynne Shane

A fashion blogger for busy mothers and anyone with a casual lifestyle.      


Midlife Chic (Nikki Garnett)

Based in the UK, so not useful as a buying guide, but I Iove her style and lifestyle.


The Vivienne Files

Not an Oufit-of-the-Day blog, but a website on wardrobe building, use of color, accessories, travel capsules.


Une Femme D'un Certain Age

Classy. Practical. Fun travel posts, too. 


Penny Pincher Fashion

A good blogger for budget-minded readers. I like the way she styles her clothing.  

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Re: Let's Share Our Favorite Fashion Bloggers

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I do not know if they are fashion bloggers but our own lolakimono and Andreatoo (I am thinking  about the first names that come to mind) you are also one of them! 

Many of you post and comment lots of pictures about what is going on in the fashion world and also make us do a little brain exercise. The experience is really interactive🌻The Q blog rocks!

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Re: Let's Share Our Favorite Fashion Bloggers

@ECBG wrote:

On You Tube I found Justine Leconte.  This incredibly talented lady is in her 30's and has studied design.  She takes the viewer through all types of area involving dressing successfully beginning with body styles.


This is exactly the way I taught my clothing classes.

Ah ha! You taught clothing classes!  No wonder your posts are so spot on. Always enjoy them.


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Re: Let's Share Our Favorite Fashion Bloggers


You need to check this lady out- especially for her scarf tying.Heart


Maitai's Picture Book

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Re: Let's Share Our Favorite Fashion Bloggers

For the older ladies (like me)...


Susan after Sixty


Sixty and Me