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Laurie Felt jeans sizing, drooping

Hi All,

i am wondering if anyone is having the sizing issue I am having with Laurie Felt Jeans. I ordered the ombré skinny jeans, and while I loved them, they needed to constantly be tugged up, as they kept riding down my hips. By the end of the night, they were drooping a couple of inches below my crotch (sorry if that is a rude reference, but trying to best explain the situation). 

I love the feel, and I see there are different types of jeans she has, but I am wondering if anyone else has had this issue and were there different styles of hers that worked better. I am definitely curvy bottomed.

Thanks in advance for your input.


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Re: Laurie Felt jeans sizing, drooping

Hi.  If you read the reviews, a lot of them mention that issue.  I love her jeans but I usually size down because they fit fine at the beginning of the day and start to loosen later.  Laurie has said in the past that her jeans stretch a lot of inches (maybe 4-5, I don't remember how much exactly) but they supposedly bounce right back.  Mine don't really bounce back so I size down.

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Re: Laurie Felt jeans sizing, drooping

Are they loopless pull-ons?  I can't wear any jeans with stretch unless they have belt loops so I can cinch them up and tighten my belt as the jeans start to "droop."  

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Re: Laurie Felt jeans sizing, drooping

She was on tv stretching her jeans east and west like a rubberband like it is a good thing. It’s not. Stretch jeans become stretched out. It’s in the title of their name

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Re: Laurie Felt jeans sizing, drooping

The ombre’ jeans that you speak of actually have a larger waist on them then her others. I noticed this right away when I looked at the garment measurements. This I believe is why so many reviews are saying this. I don’t have this problem with any other jeans from her.

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Re: Laurie Felt jeans sizing, drooping

I had the same problem, even after I exchanged them for a smaller size. I wound up returning them.

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Re: Laurie Felt jeans sizing, drooping

Jeans that slide down like bad pantyhose don't always do that because you need to size down.  Sometimes it's the nature of the material used. 


I have a pair of jeans from Old Navy that do this.  There is no way I could go down a size because I would look like 2 pounds of sausage in a 1 pound casing.  Plus the jeans don't really stretch our ot shape or grow, they just slide down non-stop.  I rarely wear them because I'm constantly yanking them up. 

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Re: Laurie Felt jeans sizing, drooping

I don't care how nice the fabric looks, if they don't keep their shape while wearing I don't want them.  No excuse for that kind of quality.  I have plenty of jeans and knit pants that don't do that.

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Re: Laurie Felt jeans sizing, drooping

This is of the reasons I hate jeans with stretch.  I tried 2 pair of her bootleg jeans.  I ordered my usual size.  I had to work them on like she describes in her presentations.  I wore these shopping and by the time I got home, I swear they grew at least 4 inches in length.  I had to keep pulling them up, but it didn't help.  It was too late to return.  I am so sorry I ordered 2 pair.  That was $100 down the drain.  They look nice when you first put them on.  When you take them off - a whole different story.

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Re: Laurie Felt jeans sizing, drooping

I agree that the jeans loosen after wearing and washing too.  I liked them right out of the package, although a little tight, and thought they would be my going out jeans.  Now, they're my everyday comfortable jeans.  I wish they would hold their shape better and were still as flattering (i have 5 pairs and will not buy more) Should have worn them more and would have noticed sooner...disappointed.