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Posts: 37,954
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Glad I got A266162 last night when it was 19 and change. First time I called I was told in pink "sold out" , so, I hung up. Got to thinking about it called back and settled for the canal blue sized up since it was LIz Claiborne. All of a sudden the pink came back in XL. Huh?

I just let it go and stayed with the blue.


Today , it is almost 33.00.   Glad I got one.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,566
Registered: ‎04-04-2014


Nice top!

95% of my wardrobe is sleeveless but $33.00 for a basic tank is silly...

And that's the 'clearance' price??

Honored Contributor
Posts: 37,954
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

why I was so glad I paid less then 20 and free shp