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SaRina, You put that so eloquently. It's all about us being able to express our positive or negative views about LOGO without judgement. Respecting each others opinions on clothes (or whatever), even if they differ from ours, without taking offence or getting angry. 

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@Zefra wrote:

Reminds me of wearing 20 oversized handkerchiefs. More and more her clothes are looking just plain sloppy. You know there is a problem when Kate, their top model looks sloppy in them😳  Wearing 4 layers in the summer is just plain strange anyway.

Well, it's always hard for us older folks to adjust to new fashion traditions.  Actually I like it better than the sparkly t-shirts tucked into high waisted jeans that was popular when I was young in the 1980s.  And the frizzy hair that went with it.  That was pretty horrible now that I think of it.  And I try NOT to think of it!  The gobs of makeup. . . We looked like clowns!  

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[ Edited ]

@Zefra wrote:

SaRina, You put that so eloquently. It's all about us being able to express our positive or negative views about LOGO without judgement. Respecting each others opinions on clothes (or whatever), even if they differ from ours, without taking offence or getting angry. 

@Zefra  What I think you really mean is "us being able to express the positive or negative views about LOGO without "disagreement."    I see the anti-LOGO threads phrased in such a manner that they are baiting, not in a "I'm just expressing an opinion" manner.  So, enjoy yourself.

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You mean you don't find her line "chic" and "amazing"?  

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@Zefra wrote:

Pearley: This is an opinion forum and everybody's opinion matters, not just those who think today's Special Value is wonderful. I hope those who love the Logo Line share their thoughts as well as those who don't. Isn't that what makes the world interesting is that we all don't think alike.

@Zefra - Yes, it is.  As someone else already posted though, HOW you express your opinion or WHY you express that opinion speaks volumes about the person, not the product.


If it's a line you don't like, don't buy it.  Why the endless need/compulsion to make such nasty claims that target those who like and buy the line?


PS and by the way, I don't buy LOGO.  I don't see any need to trash it or Lori or her customers.


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@tammysu wrote:

Here we go again!  Can't you all find something else to do besides bashing LOGO every time there is a show?

@tammysu  Apparently not!   I think they should look into volunteer work!  Smiley Happy

Posts: 21
Registered: ‎07-18-2012

I think it's sloppy looking.  If Lori says "Chic" one more time I will scream. Everytime she presents she says it.  I turn the channel when she is on. Ugly ugly clothes.

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@Zefra wrote:

SaRina, You put that so eloquently. It's all about us being able to express our positive or negative views about LOGO without judgement. Respecting each others opinions on clothes (or whatever), even if they differ from ours, without taking offence or getting angry. 

Because calling the line "clown clothes" "unkempt" "bag lady" are so necessary and constructive.  Sorry, I can't "respect an opinion" that is only stated to be destructive, mean or hurtful.


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 Layering is not my preferred style, but I do like some of her pieces alone. To all of you Logo lovers, enjoy the day! 

Open my heart and you will see, engraved inside, Italy - Robert Browning
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[ Edited ]

@piggysue wrote:

I think it's sloppy looking.  If Lori says "Chic" one more time I will scream. Everytime she presents she says it.  I turn the channel when she is on. Ugly ugly clothes.

@piggysue  Quick question - why are you even watching the LOGO show?