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Yes, "sloppy", clown clothing, "unkempt" is fine when describing what you think about clothing.  When using derogatory coments about the people expressing their opinions about clothing it's wrong. It's forum about clothing not people. A pretty simple concept.

If it makes people feel bad when I express my opinion about a piece of clothing then too bad.  I like Clarks shoes and a lot of Linea clothing. People can make all the nasty comments they want to about those product lines and it won't make me feel bad or think I look bad in them. They have a right to their opinion as do I.  It's laughable that I should care what a stranger thinks when I really like something. 







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ENOUGH WITH THE LOGO!  or should I say the SACKO--every thing of hers looks like a sack where you didn't bother to cut the hem off straight.  It is tacky--it is not stylish!  Ever notice the the hosts don't wear her clothes unless they have to wear them when they are with her.  Please QVC, i beg stop with these colorless hues, shapeless sacks, and uneven hems. 

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@Buck-i-Nana wrote:

@Zefra wrote:

Pearley: This is an opinion forum and everybody's opinion matters, not just those who think today's Special Value is wonderful. I hope those who love the Logo Line share their thoughts as well as those who don't. Isn't that what makes the world interesting is that we all don't think alike.

@Zefra - Yes, it is.  As someone else already posted though, HOW you express your opinion or WHY you express that opinion speaks volumes about the person, not the product.


If it's a line you don't like, don't buy it.  Why the endless need/compulsion to make such nasty claims that target those who like and buy the line?


PS and by the way, I don't buy LOGO.  I don't see any need to trash it or Lori or her customers.



Yeah! What she said!

Wake me up when you have an original thought...

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Registered: ‎05-10-2013

Her clothes are very fashionable and on trend!

Don't worry, be Happy!
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Registered: ‎06-14-2015

This post has been removed by QVC because it's argumentative.

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Whatever we will have to agree to disagree.  I am just pointing out that by making those comments there will be people who feel that they are being criticized by liking something that you don't. Yes too bad you don't get it.

@Zefra wrote:



Yes, "sloppy", clown clothing, "unkempt" is fine when describing what you think about clothing.  When using derogatory coments about the people expressing their opinions about clothing it's wrong. It's forum about clothing not people. A pretty simple concept.

If it makes people feel bad when I express my opinion about a piece of clothing then too bad.  I like Clarks shoes and a lot of Linea clothing. People can make all the nasty comments they want to about those product lines and it won't make me feel bad or think I look bad in them. They have a right to their opinion as do I.  It's laughable that I should care what a stranger thinks when I really like something. 








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Registered: ‎04-04-2014

@Zefra wrote:



Yes, "sloppy", clown clothing, "unkempt" is fine when describing what you think about clothing.  When using derogatory coments about the people expressing their opinions about clothing it's wrong. It's forum about clothing not people. A pretty simple concept.

If it makes people feel bad when I express my opinion about a piece of clothing then too bad.  I like Clarks shoes and a lot of Linea clothing. People can make all the nasty comments they want to about those product lines and it won't make me feel bad or think I look bad in them. They have a right to their opinion as do I.  It's laughable that I should care what a stranger thinks when I really like something. 








And yet here you are, in a thread full of strangers, wanting us to know what you think!?


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Registered: ‎07-15-2016

@haddon9 wrote:

@Zefra wrote:



This forum is not about bashing the Logo Line. There are positive and negative reviews of all the Logo Clothing Lines here. I just posted one about the Logo Lounge line.

However, we are reviewing clothing here not reviewers or getting personal. If you wish to make personal remarks, ageist or discriminatory remarks, I wouldn't recommend continuing to do so. We are sharing positive and negative opinions about clothing, not people. There is a big difference. Besides you would be wrong, I'm anything but old and prim. I'm experienced and adventurous😏 

So "sloppy, unkempt" and agreeing with "clown clothing" is acceptable but prim, older and conservative is not?  In your mind saying sloppy and unkempt is only criticizing the clothing but many who like and wear it see it as an insult as that THEY are sloppy and unkempt by wearing it....see how it can be the same?



I'm "older and conservative" but far, far from prim.  And, I wear LOGO!  

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Andreatoo wrote:

@Zefra wrote:



Yes, "sloppy", clown clothing, "unkempt" is fine when describing what you think about clothing.  When using derogatory coments about the people expressing their opinions about clothing it's wrong. It's forum about clothing not people. A pretty simple concept.

If it makes people feel bad when I express my opinion about a piece of clothing then too bad.  I like Clarks shoes and a lot of Linea clothing. People can make all the nasty comments they want to about those product lines and it won't make me feel bad or think I look bad in them. They have a right to their opinion as do I.  It's laughable that I should care what a stranger thinks when I really like something. 








And yet here you are, in a thread full of strangers, wanting us to know what you think!?


Over and over and over and over..................

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Posts: 199
Registered: ‎08-06-2012



I like Clarks shoes and a lot of Linea clothing. People can make all the nasty comments they want to about those product lines and it won't make me feel bad or think I look bad in them. They have a right to their opinion as do I. It's laughable that I should care what a stranger thinks when I really like something. 


I was talking about clothing in the above statement, I don't know what you are taking about, but I know I don't want to delve any further.