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Registered: ‎01-15-2017

I just flipped over to QVC2 and watched a presentation of a Kim Gravel t-shirt for $54. Good Grief! I know some of us don't care how much we spend because money isn't an issue, but really? I sold clothes for 20 years and a t-shirt is a t-shirt is a t-shirt. Of course there are better fabrics, cuter styles and so on. But, I really feel prices are getting out of control. I'm really glad I don't need any clothes right now, but eventually I will. I am a very good shopper, so I know I'll find what I need at the price I'm willing to pay.

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Posts: 7,241
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I am amazed at the price of clothing being presented.  I wonder if the clothing is worth the price, that it is better than anything I can buy elsewhere at a much much lower price.  Perhaps I am wrong and the fabric or workmanship is better but for my purpose, I buy by clothing and design.  

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Posts: 4,406
Registered: ‎02-14-2017
That’s a lot of words for “I can’t afford it.”
Posts: 43
Registered: ‎05-20-2010

I totally agree with the prices.  I've brought this up before on this forum and was quickly shot down with folks telling me that at brick and mortar stores and other on line sites that the prices were much higher.  I still shop on the Q but I learned from my sister to go for the "as is" listings or wait for sales.  I realize that  you might miss things you really like because color and / or sizes sell out.  I have recently bought a bunch of Belle items on e Bay for less than half price and no shipping.  I do like the lines sold here because the sizes fit me....

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Registered: ‎04-19-2016

Wait for the sales I always say.