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I really like the different fabric patterns. They were more refined than the usual tie-dyed and animal prints.

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@rms1954 I wasn't shaming anyone, just simply stating an opinion.  Sorry but I don't feel letting your abs hangout in your 40's when you have young children is appropriate, that's all.   Regardless of your fitness level.......I could expose my abs even now, I'm quite fit, but I certainly would not even think about it. Like I said "JMO".   

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Kerstin looks like she's in another world to me & not even taking in what the vendor is saying.


Just my opinion. There are a couple of other hosts that have that look also.

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This post has been removed by QVC because it is unkind

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Jeez, seems to be a lot of sensitivity on the subject, whatever......

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@LindaSal wrote:

Jeez, seems to be a lot of sensitivity on the subject, whatever......

I agree with you @LindaSal . We have teens developing eating disorders at younger and younger ages because they are constantly exposed to the (perceived) "perfect" bodies of other women. It's everywhere they look; at school, in magazines and online, and if their own mother is doing it, how much more harmful might that be?


I'm not saying I know what the answer is to preventing eating disorders, altogether, but it sure as heck isn't pulling your shorts down to your yin-yang and your shirt up to your neck and snapping a selfie to post on your social media. At least that certainly has not helped, up until now. Perhaps it is time to have some real and honest dialogue about protecting young eyes and hearts, rather than accusing others of "policing."


Women are absolutely free to post whatever photos they want of themselves in whatever state of undress they may be in, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's edifying or empowering to our young people.


How about posting selfies that promote education? Kindness? Literature? Poetry? Music? There are so many other ways to demonstrate female empowerment without exposing one's midriff. If it's a possible stumbling block for an impressionable young girl, isn't it better to cover it up?


I commend you, for your modesty, humility and sensitivity, @LindaSal. More women should be so thoughful.

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honestly don't see what is so wrong with wearing a 2 piece swimsuit when you become a mother.   my mother wore nice swimsuits and sometimes a bikini and i did too. we were at the beach or pool a lot and  lived a stone's throw from the ocean.  Americans are super hung-up on bodies.  Puritan legacy.

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@Suziqzee Thank you, I appreciate it.

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Registered: ‎04-01-2023
@crystaltree she can keep it along with those linen pants she's hocking for 68 bucks!