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Re: Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuellos' daughter, Lola

She didn't get those boobies from her mother, lol.

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Re: Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuellos' daughter, Lola

@Nonametoday wrote:

@sunshine 919 wrote:

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

Kelly said Lola took her prom dress and got it altered to make it super tight.  Kelly wasn't too happy about it, but what could she do.


Here's the dress.


lola consuelos prom dress

I guess if Kelly paid for it she could have refused.  The dress looks too small.

@sunshine 919 

Had it been my daughter at that age, she would have stayed home or gotten dressed in a decent dress appropriate for age. Mother is all smiles as if she is proud of daughter for showing her wares.

@Nonametoday - I'm glad I never had to worry about this with DD. She's not that well endowed to begin with, and she never was the type to dress provocatively.  



Some celebrities seem to like it when their daughters look like this. I suppose she's famous because her parents are, so she's probably used to posing for photographers.




Actually I think her mom sometimes pushes the limits by how she dresses and what she sometimes says about her marriage with her husband.

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Re: Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuellos' daughter, Lola

I have seen these pictures and other crazy ones of her lying in bed w/the young man and her daughter is completely inappropriate. I was surprised at Kelly .
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Re: Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuellos' daughter, Lola

Parents don't parent anymore. They want to be friends with their children.
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Re: Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuellos' daughter, Lola

Oh my goodness you all sound like a bunch of old bitties. I think she looks lovely. JMO

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuellos' daughter, Lola

She looks awful. Should be ashamed of herself.

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Re: Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuellos' daughter, Lola

[ Edited ]

@ID2 wrote:

Oh my goodness you all sound like a bunch of old bitties. I think she looks lovely. JMO

No need for the dig on posters just because they feel women should show some self respect and not look like they're headed out to take their place on the street corner.

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Re: Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuellos' daughter, Lola

@Sooner @San Antonio Gal @ThinkingOutLoud @Group 5 minus 1 @ID2 


I never looked like that at ANY age!

And at 23, I was wearing jeans and trying to remain on career path!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuellos' daughter, Lola

[ Edited ]

Man, she got the goods x 10  and dresses hoochie too...

To me, she is trashy - ick.

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Re: Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuellos' daughter, Lola

Looks like she has an attitude, to me.