Posts: 29
Registered: ‎10-09-2010
I'm watching Check and they are showing Legacy .Where is Karen Green? I haven't seen her in a long time.
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Karen Green is a paid spokesperson. She is not a designer or creative person with the Legacy brand. Spokespeople such as Karen speak at trade shows and on infomercials etc. for many clients. She lives out west somewhere and it's possible that her schedule isn't allowing her to fly into Philadelphia in order to come into the QVC studios (in West Chester) to show one item here and there. If Legacy still had full one-hour shows that might make a difference.

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this was posted on her facebook page:

Karen Greene - Legacy for QVC

Hi D,
Thank you very much for your note. I appreciate it. The folks at Legacy have decided to go with a different on air guest. So I won't be back on QVC with Legacy. I may see you next year with a different product though. Thanks
again for thinking of me and taking the time to write.
Have a beautiful fall!
Sincerely, Karen

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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The new rep is much better IMO,

Karen could not complete a sentence without giggling or laughing, and after many years of television selling she should be able to get over that.

I am sure there are those that will disagree, but professionalism is needed to sell a product