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@KingstonsMom wrote:

@FrostyBabe1 wrote:

Ohhhh, our family's dog would go absolutely nuts over these!



Please reconsider if you love your pet, ingesting parts of these could be deadly.


Just a friendly suggestion from another animal lover, I truly hope you take it that way.

Oh, believe me - we wouldn't get anywhere near him with these. He's a big boy and super chewer. The first thing that would go would be those jibet thingys. 

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No, just no.  

If they smell like chicken you know the dogs are going to be all over them.

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Well those are just disgusting.

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What gets me is, how did those ever get this far? 


Those had to be reviewed & approved as an idea, again as a drawing, and again as a prototype...


Did decision makers look and say,

"Yes, I think people will enjoy wearing fauxfood on their feet."



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@x Hedge 


I know, right????


Much less that they actually SMELL like fried chicken??


I guess KFC au de parfum will be next.....



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Even I wouldn't waste my money on these although I do know a KFC addict that they would be perfect for as a joke gift.  The idea of a smelly thing on the top is just gross and the concerns about dogs & cats is very valid.  My Murphy would go ballistic, so not happening. 

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I saw these online and they're $60. Crazy!

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not a CROC person at all......with or without the fried chicken design.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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That is simply GROSS.

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That goes on the list of really ridiculous things.  

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