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I bought one in the 70's and I still remember how awkward it was in rest rooms. Ridiculous, silly fashion that I wouldn't want even if I was given it for free.......

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I don't like sleeveless!!!

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I love the look but it's not offered in green, an olive green would be pretty.

If I were to buy, it would be the poppy red.

I've been pleasantly surprised to see many jumpsuits at retail.   I'll see a rack of what I think are dresses but they are jumpsuits.


I'm one of those who uses the bathroom often.

I always wear a 2 piece bathing suit for that reason too


I would not be able to wear this just anywhere.

I would never wear it for an outing that would take 4 hours or more, that's about my limit.

The thought of wearing this and using a public restroom, makes my skin crawl.


When I wear trousers in a ladies room, I roll down the waistband, holding the legs up as much as I can to not let anything touch the floor.  Just doing that is tiresome.    Another reason why I wear skirts & dresses often in warm weather.


Sorry to be so graphic.

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I know most are mentioning the obvious negative with the restroom issue, but I actually don't like the look of jumpsuits.  Wonder why jumpsuits seem to be popular right now?  I definitely won't be participating in this trend.  I don't like the idea of wearing all that fabric.  I like more form fitting clothing.  Much more slimming.

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I love jumpsuits and I'll put up with the nuisance in the restroom for the cute look.  However the one they have today is just too wide legged. Why so much fabric? It' rather extreme.  Perhaps for the very tall it would work.  I have another jumpsuit from QVC, I think it's the same brand as the TSV and it's adorable and no zipper. I think they have to consider that people will have trouble with a back zip most of the time. Should have done a side zip.

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I have two jumpsuits from GILI that I love and wear to death.  I don't have issues with the ladies room as these don't have any zippers and makes it much easier.  

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Jumpsuits don't fit in with my lifestyle. I don't own a single one.

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I think this is very cute but it's an easy pass for me.  A jumpsuit just doesn't fit into my lifestyle and they are also a pain when having to use the restroom. Been there, done that the last time jumpsuits were so on trend.


As an aside, I don't understand the need for Leah to change into every color of a fashion.  This morning, Beth from SG came out to present a top and Leah excused herself. She was gone for a little bit while Beth handled the presentation.  Leah came back and was in a different color of the TSV jumpsuit.  It seemed a little rude to Beth.  Why did she have to change at that moment?  It would have been different had she been throwing on what was being presented.      

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@software wrote:

I love the look but it's not offered in green, an olive green would be pretty.

If I were to buy, it would be the poppy red.

I've been pleasantly surprised to see many jumpsuits at retail.   I'll see a rack of what I think are dresses but they are jumpsuits.


I'm one of those who uses the bathroom often.

I always wear a 2 piece bathing suit for that reason too


I would not be able to wear this just anywhere.

I would never wear it for an outing that would take 4 hours or more, that's about my limit.

The thought of wearing this and using a public restroom, makes my skin crawl.


When I wear trousers in a ladies room, I roll down the waistband, holding the legs up as much as I can to not let anything touch the floor.  Just doing that is tiresome.    Another reason why I wear skirts & dresses often in warm weather.


Sorry to be so graphic.

@software   I hear you!  The Anybody jumpsuits I have are easy to maneuver in the bathroom, public or otherwise.  I take the shoulders down, but at the same time, I gather the wide legs up.  Nothing ever touches the floor.

Posts: 32
Registered: ‎12-29-2012

I like the jumpsuit TSV, but because of the zipper in the back I will not purchase.  It is extremely hard to find  petite jumpsuits. I was so disappointed in the zipper.  There is no way I could reach to zipper this jumpsuit up. Please make another one without a zipper in petite sizingand bra freindly.