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Why is Joan so bent over when she is standing. Very noticeable

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She is old.
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She is 78. I think she does pretty good for her age.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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If she could get plastic surgery to fix it I am sure she would have had it done by now.
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She is actually 80- My mother will be 79 and she stands perfectly straight and still travels all over the world w/ my father- Maybe she is having difficulty w/ a hip, etc., We shouldn't speculate!

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I love Joan Rivers and don't care that she is bent over. She may have osteoarthritis. In any case, I don't give a hoot. I just got her OTO - beautiful and inexpensive set of leverbacks.

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At 80, she probably has some issues. Could be osteoporosis and just looks like she is bent. Either way I think she is mobile for her age, and out does me at 45! Lol
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Maybe she is having issues with her back.

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That happens to many due to aging. I give her credit for all she does at 80 and I like her.

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎03-28-2010
Love Joan Rivers! I don't care how she stands.