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Re: Jeans? Jeans? More jeans?

@Desertdi.  We had good rain 3 nights in a row this week...hail with one of the storms.  The temperatures have only been in high 80s or 90°.  It's so humid I can hardly get my swollen front door open and closed.  Of course swamp cooler just makes it worse.  Feels like I could wring water out of the air in the house.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Jeans? Jeans? More jeans?

OP is obviously not a jeans lover or wearer which is her choice and nothing wrong with that.  All jeans do not look alike.  I wear nothing but jeans and actually that is all I have as I don't wear anything else except for a very rare wedding.  Every pair is unique and different in look except for those that I have several pairs of the same kind.  Even when I worked, the only time I didn't wear them was when I was on an interview panel.  And yes every brand is different and all brands do not work for everyone.  Each brand is usually unique in the way they are structured by such things as the cut, seaming, rise, contents of material used, etc.  I can't imagine a pair of jeans (even the cheapest ones) not making it out of the wash in good shape - whatever that means!!  Never had that happen in all the years I've worn jeans and  there were/are many I have owned for years and years and are still wearable.  

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Re: Jeans? Jeans? More jeans?


love them, have many pairs 

they don't all look a alike


but then I hate well, don't hate, leggings,  don't wear them except to the gym and at home,  would never wear them as part of "real outfit:"  and don't like that they are promoted as real pants  


so we all have things we like and don't like 

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Re: Jeans? Jeans? More jeans?

Well, they sure know how to charge for them!  Some of the prices for jeans is terrible, I think!  


Around here when I am out any where, shopping, out to eat or wherever, I see more leggings, yoga type pants, etc. than any other sort of pants.  I don't see people wearing jeans much at all any more.  



"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Jeans? Jeans? More jeans?

[ Edited ]

Q sells what women buy.


Personally, I don't wear jeans but there seems to be as many types/styles as their are women who wear them.  As far as "jeans are the cheapest thing to make" that can probably be said about the entire fashion industry.   I don't care if you are buying a $10 pair of shorts, or a $600 blouse, they are all cheap to make.   You pay for the name, not the garment.    I'm talking about mass merchandising, not specialty items.


Just like the peplum thread, every time IM presents a peplum blouse/tee, they practically sell out.  Expect to see more.



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Re: Jeans? Jeans? More jeans?

I agree.  Supposedly, every jean they introduce is the best ever.  I am not a jeans wearer as much as a lot of folks, I guess.  Too hot in summer, and I just don't find them all that comfortable, stretch or not.  I don't wear them around the house at all; prefer leggings.  Everything on QVC now is denim or French terry..................tired of it.

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Re: Jeans? Jeans? More jeans?

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Desertdi.  We had good rain 3 nights in a row this week...hail with one of the storms.  The temperatures have only been in high 80s or 90°.  It's so humid I can hardly get my swollen front door open and closed.  Of course swamp cooler just makes it worse.  Feels like I could wring water out of air in the house.

@Kachina624  We had 2 night-time storms here.    One hit my neighborhood with wind clocked at 74mph at a nearby private airport.  The second storm hit my girlfriend's area with awful force a couple days later with lots of damage, but I didn't even get a drop of rain from the second storm (about 10 miles to the east of her.)    The humidity has been choking......and my heat pump does NOT everything in the house (inluding me) is tacky and miserable.   Still HOT......92° right now at 4:30 a.m.     di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Jeans? Jeans? More jeans?

@Desertdi wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Desertdi.  We had good rain 3 nights in a row this week...hail with one of the storms.  The temperatures have only been in high 80s or 90°.  It's so humid I can hardly get my swollen front door open and closed.  Of course swamp cooler just makes it worse.  Feels like I could wring water out of air in the house.

@Kachina624  We had 2 night-time storms here.    One hit my neighborhood with wind clocked at 74mph at a nearby private airport.  The second storm hit my girlfriend's area with awful force a couple days later with lots of damage, but I didn't even get a drop of rain from the second storm (about 10 miles to the east of her.)    The humidity has been choking......and my heat pump does NOT everything in the house (inluding me) is tacky and miserable.   Still HOT......92° right now at 4:30 a.m.     di

We must all live somewhat near each other. We didn’t get tons of rain in either storm but did get lots of wind. Just enough rain to make my car a mud car,  Some of the roofs in our area need repairing and several trees went down. The bank i go to lost several trees.  I can’t imagine only having a swamp box. Our A/c works fine but I’m so ready for October when this heat breaks. Oh well, another week of temps near 110. The life of living in Arizona. Think snow.

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Re: Jeans? Jeans? More jeans?

I don't think you can pay too much attention to simply the cost of a garmet. It's about the value of the piece.


If you are going to wear something every day and it is a basic piece, buy what you love.  You will pay for it many times over!  If it is a special piece for a special occasion, judge price by how much it means to you for that event. You need to look really good?  Splurge.  Not a big deal and a one time wear?  Not worth spending on.


If you wear jeans a lot then buy because you love them, not because they are cheap.  You'll pay for them many times over.  Jeans are easy to keep and wash and wear and almost all last forever.


The most expensive pieces of clothes are the ones that hang there and never get worn.  My mom's closets were stuffed beyond belief with cheap stuff she never wore.  Those were expensive clothes. 

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Registered: ‎05-06-2016

Re: Jeans? Jeans? More jeans?

A lot of workplaces have gone casual and jeans are now allowed as appropriate attire. My boss lets us wear jeans, and I do dark wash because they're dressier. You can wear jeans to some churches. If it's not for you I understand. But I love my jeans, my lifestyle doesn't require fancier clothing so I'm glad we have options. I do prefer to try jeans on just because I'm plus size and need to make sure they fit over my belly and thighs if they're not elastic waist.