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Re: Jane's Enthusiasm for Ireland and Its Products...

Strange...........they're cloggers, not ballerinas

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Jane's Enthusiasm for Ireland and Its Products...

On 3/17/2015 Kitty Galore said:
On 3/17/2015 Bestdressed said:

The Irish were discriminated against upon arrival to America. Because they were dirt poor, suffered abuse and paid less then other workers. Our ancestors suffered and paved the way we could live a better life.

You are so right and I'm glad that you posted this as many do not know about how it was for these poor people coming here with nothing looking for a better life for themselves and their children. I'm half irish on my dad's side , other part is Italian. My grandmother used to tell me the stories of herself and her parents coming here and the hardships they encountered because they were poor and no one would hire the Irish . Makes me sad, the Irish are a strong people though and overcame.
Kitty...Thanks for you response. I am half Irish on my dad's side too. It make me sad too...knowing what our ancestors went through to survive and thrive. I am thankful and proud of my heritage.
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Re: Jane's Enthusiasm for Ireland and Its Products...

I alwys enjoy Jane.

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Re: Jane's Enthusiasm for Ireland and Its Products...

On 3/17/2015 Bestdressed said:

The Irish were discriminated against upon arrival to America. Because they were dirt poor, suffered abuse and paid less then other workers. Our ancestors suffered and paved the way we could live a better life.

I dislike telling you this but so were other nationalities discriminated against. I'm Italian and I heard many stories from my grandparents who came to this country and what they had to go through plus being sure they learned the English language so they could communicate unlike what goes on today.
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Re: Jane's Enthusiasm for Ireland and Its Products...

On 3/18/2015 luvtoshopathome said:
On 3/17/2015 Bestdressed said:

The Irish were discriminated against upon arrival to America. Because they were dirt poor, suffered abuse and paid less then other workers. Our ancestors suffered and paved the way we could live a better life.

I dislike telling you this but so were other nationalities discriminated against. I'm Italian and I heard many stories from my grandparents who came to this country and what they had to go through plus being sure they learned the English language so they could communicate unlike what goes on today.
....and some other nationalities are STILL discriminated against.....
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Re: Jane's Enthusiasm for Ireland and Its Products...

On 3/17/2015 lemmonee said:

The potato blight 1845, 1 million died, and 1 million left Ireland, for the U.S. and other destinations.

shhhhhhh pay no attention to the man behind the curtain they dont want to know the facts, they just want dancing leprechauns and green beer and green mud to put on your face

dont forget the century old catholic/protestant war either


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Re: Jane's Enthusiasm for Ireland and Its Products...

On 3/17/2015 janettwokay said:

I enjoyed the shows today. All of the hosts did a nice job. I just wish QVC had scheduled the shows for the complete day. I have no interest in ""Gold Gala.""

gold gala you say hahahahah you mean gold plated over a resin core pleeeeease girls save your coins this stuff would not be resellable to anyone its dime store junk dont be fooled by the gowns they wear or antonellas cackles

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Re: Jane's Enthusiasm for Ireland and Its Products...

Jane is Italian. She is married to an Irishman. Love her enthusiam for the Irish products. She does a grand job.

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Re: Jane's Enthusiasm for Ireland and Its Products...

On 3/17/2015 Bestdressed said:
On 3/17/2015 Kitty Galore said:
On 3/17/2015 Bestdressed said:

The Irish were discriminated against upon arrival to America. Because they were dirt poor, suffered abuse and paid less then other workers. Our ancestors suffered and paved the way we could live a better life.

You are so right and I'm glad that you posted this as many do not know about how it was for these poor people coming here with nothing looking for a better life for themselves and their children. I'm half irish on my dad's side , other part is Italian. My grandmother used to tell me the stories of herself and her parents coming here and the hardships they encountered because they were poor and no one would hire the Irish . Makes me sad, the Irish are a strong people though and overcame.
Kitty...Thanks for you response. I am half Irish on my dad's side too. It make me sad too...knowing what our ancestors went through to survive and thrive. I am thankful and proud of my heritage.

MY grandparents also came from Ireland. They had nothing but were wanting to work. So many signs were posted in shop windows. NO Irish Need Apply. They worked at menial (sp sorry)tasks but worked hard to become successful. Sucess to them was raising a happy family. Not wealth. I thank God for my heritage. I am indeed proud of being 100% IRISH.

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Re: Jane's Enthusiasm for Ireland and Its Products...

On 3/17/2015 Jackie6 said: I enjoy her on the Irish shows too, but she's only half Irish. She's also half Italian. She's talked about her Italian mother many times!

Her dad was Italian.