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Re: Jacque Gonzalez and Dennis Basso

On 2/11/2015 Sunshine Kate said:

I like any host that dresses professionally. The super casual look I just don't like. If it takes wearing hose, high heels, great hair, makeup and perfectly polished nails...then so be it.

The hosts have professional jobs, so dress like it.

On a side note, I think nurses should go back to wearing stark white cotton outfits and hats like they wore years ago.

You want nurses to wearing the stark white cotton outfits and hats like years ago. For myself who has had surgeries in 2010 and 2012 want the nurses and staff to be comfortable in their scrubs and be more concerned about treating the patients than uniforms.

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Re: Jacque Gonzalez and Dennis Basso

Jacque is so pretty and I love when she dresses up more and has nice make-up (like when she hosts with Mally. I think it was a good show with DB.

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Re: Jacque Gonzalez and Dennis Basso

On 2/11/2015 Sunshine Kate said:

I like any host that dresses professionally. The super casual look I just don't like. If it takes wearing hose, high heels, great hair, makeup and perfectly polished nails...then so be it.

The hosts have professional jobs, so dress like it.

On a side note, I think nurses should go back to wearing stark white cotton outfits and hats like they wore years ago.

As a former RN, let me tell you how difficult it was to remove various bodily fluids from white clothing-- it wasn't an easy task and those hats? (half the time either (1) fell off your head when you pulled a curtain around a bed and (2) are germ laden things!

Give me a large enough name tag that lists the person name and title over white clothing and hats when I am in a hospital.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Jacque Gonzalez and Dennis Basso

I think nurses and doctors wearing scrubs is a great thing. If anything you want the medical professionals treating you to be comfortable so they can focus on treating you.

They are on their feet many hours a day and the medical professionals I know work very hard and some of the things they have to deal with is just unbelievable.

Sorry to post off topic.

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Re: Jacque Gonzalez and Dennis Basso

I think scrubs are fine, but not those gawd awful purple things with gaudy stuff all over them. Surely they could find something that looks like a grown up might wear them (I understand some work with children, and that's a different thing). They are just hideous.

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Re: Jacque Gonzalez and Dennis Basso

Jacque looked very good in that dress. It fit her well (not a couple of sizes too small). Fairly simple style and it suited her well.

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Re: Jacque Gonzalez and Dennis Basso

Love Jacque anyway she is on!

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Re: Jacque Gonzalez and Dennis Basso

Some of the male nurses would probably love the hat ;o)

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Re: Jacque Gonzalez and Dennis Basso

I'm a casual person, and relate much better to other casually attired folks. You can be fashionable and professional and dress casual.

Talk about a back-handed complement though....geesh OP.

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Re: Jacque Gonzalez and Dennis Basso

On 2/11/2015 LipstickDiva said:
On 2/11/2015 brii said:

She has to wear nail polish and high heels too?

OMG, this is hilarious.

All proper and fashionable women are doing it. {#emotions_dlg.blink}

We need a subforum titled 1950.

And move a LOT of posts there.