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It's A Fashion Question!!!!!

Ladies, what do (or have) you seen where you live in regard to tennis shoes being worn instead of shoes as a fashion statement?


Although, so many good looking comfort shoes are on the market here, in Europe, tennis shoes or "trainers" in Europe, is their way of adding something heavier to a more feminine piece.  They look like "duck feet" to me.  


Easy Outfit Formula: Sneakers & Skirts – Closetful of Clothes


If we're doing this, I haven't seen it!  YOU?


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Re: It's A Fashion Question!!!!!

That's a terrible look, I do not like it at all!

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Re: It's A Fashion Question!!!!!

I don't mind the look on a teen or even a twenty something, but anyone older should wear age-appropriate footwear.

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Re: It's A Fashion Question!!!!!

Mostly I see sneakers (and boots in cooler weather) being worn with skirts and dresses. No one at work was wearing a dress shoe anymore. It's the dichotomy of the work clothes/dress/skirt vs. the more casual footwear that's the statement - a kind of breaking old rules. It took me a little while to get used to it, but I like it now.

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Re: It's A Fashion Question!!!!!

The sneakers in the first two pictures look okay. The ones in the third picture are not attractive at all. I think the bigger the feet the worse those shoes look.

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Re: It's A Fashion Question!!!!!

Some wear them all the time and not for a fashion statement but for comfort for leg and foot issues.  Others wear them when out walkingbut change into better shoes when they get where they are going but never heard anyone say they are wearing them to complement their outfit!

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Re: It's A Fashion Question!!!!!

"Duck feet," what I thought the first time I purchased them for jogging years ago.  Very unflattering, IMO.  I felt self conscious at first.  "Don't look at my big feet."  For me, they are for walking, jogging, and sports.  


No, I don't see this in my area among residents.  If I did, I'd think they were from out of town.  


However, I remember seeing this in NYC quite a few years ago with gals who walked to work, but when they arrived they changed into something style appropriate.  It was covered in fashion magazines, but at the time, wasn't considered "fashionable."





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Re: It's A Fashion Question!!!!!

@Kachina624 wrote:

I don't mind the look on a teen or even a twenty something, but anyone older should wear age-appropriate footwear.

what is age appropriate footwear?

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Re: It's A Fashion Question!!!!!

As @Foxxee noted, we wear/wore them back and forth to work. We all keep/kept a supply of shoes at work to change into.

People may have misinterpreted it as a fashion statement when they saw us on the street - but it was/ is just a safety and comfort issue.
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Re: It's A Fashion Question!!!!!

Unless you are walking to and from work or on lunch break, I think they look silly.  


I have never been a fan of tennis shoes, I only wear them when I am walking for exercise.