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@Q-Checker wrote:

OOPs -  I "hearted" this entry by accident. I totally believe that ALL of these measures to halt the spread of Covid19 are critical for everyone to follow. There are many, many reports from scientists that validate this belief. I hope everyone does their best to stay safe and protect those around them.



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I do believe that the media has created a lot of worry.  I do believe that there may be something else going on in the world besides this, but I don't think we would know if a plane crashed into the NY State Building. 


I think the media is too wrapped up with this.  Reporting is fine but it has gone beyond any reasonable thing I have ever seen.  There was not this much coverage about 9-1-1.  I think it keeps everybody on edge, keeps them angry, gets people arguing and all many do is watch TV to see where the latest death occurred. 


I have several reasons why I would not live if I got this:  MS, immunoglobulin deficiency and chronic asthmatic bronchitis but I don't like to hear about it every second.  It depresses me and it seems everyone on this board is depressed or angry.  There should be other news. 


Yes, let's talk about something cheerful! for a change.

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@Nonametoday wrote:

I do believe that the media has created a lot of worry.  I do believe that there may be something else going on in the world besides this, but I don't think we would know if a plane crashed into the NY State Building. 


I think the media is too wrapped up with this.  Reporting is fine but it has gone beyond any reasonable thing I have ever seen.  There was not this much coverage about 9-1-1.  I think it keeps everybody on edge, keeps them angry, gets people arguing and all many do is watch TV to see where the latest death occurred. 


I have several reasons why I would not live if I got this:  MS, immunoglobulin deficiency and chronic asthmatic bronchitis but I don't like to hear about it every second.  It depresses me and it seems everyone on this board is depressed or angry.  There should be other news. 


Yes, let's talk about something cheerful! for a change.

You lose all credibility when you say the media is covering COVID 19 more than 9/11 was covered, @Nonametoday.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@tansy wrote:

@Nonametoday wrote:

I do believe that the media has created a lot of worry.  I do believe that there may be something else going on in the world besides this, but I don't think we would know if a plane crashed into the NY State Building. 


I think the media is too wrapped up with this.  Reporting is fine but it has gone beyond any reasonable thing I have ever seen.  There was not this much coverage about 9-1-1.  I think it keeps everybody on edge, keeps them angry, gets people arguing and all many do is watch TV to see where the latest death occurred. 


I have several reasons why I would not live if I got this:  MS, immunoglobulin deficiency and chronic asthmatic bronchitis but I don't like to hear about it every second.  It depresses me and it seems everyone on this board is depressed or angry.  There should be other news. 


Yes, let's talk about something cheerful! for a change.

You lose all credibility when you say the media is covering COVID 19 more than 9/11 was covered, @Nonametoday.

@tansy   I really don't look to you for validation or credibility.  You have a good day.

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I'm horrified to see that someone ignores the medical community's advice, the lessons learned from Chna and South Korea, etc.


Yes, all the measures and probably more will save .lives, save illnesses, shorten the time we have to deal with this horror, etc.


I live in a county where there are more confirmed Covid-19 cases than many whole states have.  Imagine if I decided to pick up and drive to one of those "safe" states? Apparently that would be okay with those who don't believe all the restrictions are necessary?

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Registered: ‎05-22-2014

I guess I just don’t get it.  We have this horrible virus here and have seen it’s destruction in other places.  And yet there are still people who are either totally ignorant or are in total denial.

I thank heaven for honest media, and I hope and pray for good health for all people everywhere.  Whatever I can do for the positive, I will gladly do.

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@Still Stylish Lady 


Seriously you do not think that all the precautions are needed. If the medical community and my doctor says it is then I listen. In the case of Covid 19 sharing (your germs) is not caring


@Still Stylish Lady wrote:

First of all, I'm still not convinced all there measures are needed and will make any difference. That being said, I see that no one on the shows is standing close to anyone, let alone touching. I guess Dennis Basso shows will be off air for a while.  (-:


Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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What I find is there are always those who can't wrap their heads around sound advice given for our protection.  Maybe they're oppositonal.  Maybe they're one of the fortunate ones to live in an area that hasn't been hit hard with adversity.  Maybe they don't  educate themselves. Maybe their own fear controls them.  I could go one.  We see this in all sorts of disasters.  The problem here is your decision today may impact my survival for tomorrow and that's a game changer.  If you want to stay in your house during a category 5 hurricane and risk drowning, go right ahead.  However, if you decide to conduct business as usual during this health crisis, you may impact my life and that of my family's.  All we need to do is look to other countries that are dealing with this epidemic to see what can happen if we don't hunker down.  Be smart and yes, for now, let's err on the side of caution and do everything we can to manage this outbreak.

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@Still Stylish Lady 


Take a look at this chart to understand why some of the measures are extremely important and life-saving:



We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill
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People can remain unconvinced about these measures at their own peril. Much more importantly, at the peril of others. Life isn't all about me me me. Apparently it is for some people.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”