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Hello, I haven't posted in this forum before but find myself in need of your fashion expertise.


I have always loved this sheath/jacket ensemble, Because it's been one of my favorites, I'm afraid I'm unable to see it realistically today.  I haven't worn it in quite some time due to weight gain but now that it fits again I am wondering if it is out-dated?  What do you think?  I'm thinking perhaps the shoulder pads need to be removed.  I'm unsure about the buttons, perhaps they should be changed out.  The length hits me at the knee.


The second picture is a close up of the pattern on the jacket.


Thanks for your help!



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I am not a fashion maven, however; I do think it looks old fashioned.  I'm old and I wouldn't wear it.  I think people should wear whatever they want that makes them feel good and isn't obscene.

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VERY outdated.

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Welcome to the Community Carol.  A sheath dress is classic.  Texture in fabric is hot again and the neutral color is pretty.  If it was me, I would change out the buttons and wear it.

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It looks classic to me, but I'm no fashion plate.  If I like something I wear it and don't consider what's in fashion.  Also, it's hard to judge this on the hangar, as if it fits you well and looks good with your hair/skin color it will look far better than on the hangar. 


The jacket and skirt don't seem to quite match, but that just might be the lighting.  Was this sold as a set?

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If it were me, I would wear the dress with a scarf or find a new jacket for it.

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Or one of the new swing cardigans with a scarf.  Add a 'pop of color'.

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The neutral color is what I like. Maybe you are right about changing out the buttons to give it an update.
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Look, I think you should wear whatever you want. Since you asked, yes I think it looks outdated. 

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The layer under the jacket is a sheath dress.  Yes, it was sold as a set.