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Re: Is there one thing you wear despite negative feedback from friends/family?


♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Is there one thing you wear despite negative feedback from friends/family?

On 2/7/2014 house cat said:
On 2/7/2014 Kathleen said:

They wouldn't dare say anything to me!

Really, lol… why not? Smile

Why would they not say a negative word to me?

Because I work my tail off every single day to put dinner on the table. That alone earns enough respect.

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Re: Is there one thing you wear despite negative feedback from friends/family?

My mother was a beautiful woman who had four beautiful sisters. I was a plain, drab, bookish Ugly Duckling. By the time I reached my teenaged years, I was used to the fact that they were perpetually on my case about clothes, and I more or less tuned out and ultimately developed a personal style for myself. Now, I laugh with the two elderly surviving sisters when they make an "observation" about what I'm wearing.
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Re: Is there one thing you wear despite negative feedback from friends/family?

My sister is always criticizing my choices but she is just that way. No matter what I'm wearing she will find fault with then several months later she will wear or have worn something similar but now it's out of style or now stylish. We could be wearing identical outfits and she would still criticize the way it looks on me. Just makes me laugh.

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Re: Is there one thing you wear despite negative feedback from friends/family?

On 2/7/2014 annabellethecat said:

No but here's what happened to me. OK, so a few months ago I was looking in the bottom of a closet I don't use much. I saw something, pulled it out! The cat jumped up! I jumped up! It was a wig I'd bought from HSN about 3 years ago.

My hair has been getting terribly thin (especially right in the front). It's really been bothering me. I put the wig on and as a gag wore it out! Good Grief! Every person I saw went crazy about my hair!

I'm telling you this thing has gotten out of control! Even my Drs keep saying, "You look so good! You've lost a lot of weight!

Everyone says, "I love your hair". People I just saw a few days before (without the wig) going crazy about my hair. I've even had 2 men flirt with me about this stupid wig (they think it's my hair!). Everyone says, "You look like you're in your 40's!" I'm 67 and my hair looks like I'm 67 without the stupid wig!

Now I ask you....would you go out of the house without it after everyone going crazy when I wear it? All I can think of is, "Good grief! I must have been a mess before the wig"!

So, I ask you, what the heck do I do? I don't think of myself as thinking I'm all that. I am realistic on how I look.

I even saw some girlfriends I hadn't seen in a few years. They went crazy over my hair and wanted to know the name of my hairdresser. I tell everyone it is a wig! They say, "It looks so real"!

Summer is coming. I'm hot even in 20 degree weather! I've been using Nioxon and that comb QVC sells but my hair will never be the thickness of this stupid wig.

I tried to get some new wigs similar. So far none of them is as good looking on me as this stupid wig.

I think I'm going to give it it's own website! I have a love/hate relationship with the thing.

I only wear it when I leave the house. It's so easy to slap on.

So now you have it. My story about this stupid wig. It's not exactly something that other's dislike it's just the opposite....everyone loves the dumb thing!

Ha! I love this story about the "stupid wig!" Well, it works, tho' - so that is great! It makes you wonder... We think we look OK - then maybe accidentally change our look and people love it, leaving you to think - wow, I must have been a hot mess before.

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Re: Is there one thing you wear despite negative feedback from friends/family?

On 2/7/2014 house cat said:
On 2/7/2014 lolakimono said:

Cat shoes?

Your cat shoes got bad reviews? I loved them!

I have more than one pair.

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Re: Is there one thing you wear despite negative feedback from friends/family?

My family hates my St Johns college sweatshirt... It is my school's shirt and I admit it has seen much better days.

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Re: Is there one thing you wear despite negative feedback from friends/family?

On 2/7/2014 sparklestar said:

No one in my family has ever made a negative remark about my appearance. If they think it they're not saying it. I do get many compliments though.

Same here.

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Re: Is there one thing you wear despite negative feedback from friends/family?

Yes Delima. I'm so self-conscious now about going out without it. Like I said, I never thought I was conceited, maybe I am. I don't even like looking at myself in the mirror. After I put on makeup I never go back and look at it.

How can I love and hate this stupid thing at the same time? Here I am again stressing over this stupid thing! Ha! See what I mean? But if you were around me you'd see how people react when they see me in it.

I've actually taken it off and handed it to a few people (not out in stores because I couldn't get it back on easily).

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Re: Is there one thing you wear despite negative feedback from friends/family?

I have three daughters who are the fashion police....the only comment I get occasionally is "Mom, that makes you look like a teacher"......translation, don't wear it! I taught for 35 years so I guess sometimes it shows! I usually wear whatever it is anyway.....{#emotions_dlg.devil2}