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Re: I was upset when LR left but....

It is pretty clear that Lisa R worked very hard, as most hosts do. She seemed very invested in her career, and there is nothing wrong with that. The phrases she used were part of her personality, and as I do with each host, I took them with a grain of salt. 'Amazing', 'LoveLoveLove' and 'Madison/Fifth Ave' comments were just fun comments. Saying this I realize some people got tired of the words she used, but maybe because I pick and choose my shows, I never get sick of it as a whole.

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Re: I was upset when LR left but....

On 3/29/2015 Sooner said:

You know, you are exactly right! The QVC "DIVAS" sort of spoil things for other talented, likable, interesting and informative hosts!

I believe the Q actually began the Diva status thingy when they began giving hosts their own show names. Everybody wanted a show. It was like they hadn't arrived until they had a show with their name. Along with the show names came the pressure to "entertain." Entertaining and popularity became more important than selling. Along with all that the social media pressure with who had the most likes. IMO, the Q sure lost their way!

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Re: I was upset when LR left but....

I am enjoying the variety of hosts now.

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Re: I was upset when LR left but....

I too am enjoying the other shopping channels, Evine hosts don't seem to have the diva mentality. I think most hosts work better alone, these co hosting shows just make them compete and say things they don't really mean. I still don't like Pat's sales pitch no matter what, she just comes off as clueless or elitist to me. Sandra is just a big phony on air to me, I had to turn off the Logo show yesterday, Evine Live got my fashion dollars this week.

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Re: I was upset when LR left but....

On 3/29/2015 FLgardener said:
On 3/29/2015 12andcounting said:

I haven't missed Lisa at all -- didn't really expect I would. I do not think QVC needs to create another host who becomes a "diva in her own mind."

...and you know LR was a "diva in her own mind", just how? Poise and elegance do not a diva make. She was also self deprecatory and humorous and overall, pretty down to earth.

Some people just do not like confidence in a pretty woman. I miss Lisa. But i am enjoying her FB .
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Re: I was upset when LR left but....

It's been refreshing to see the changes. Things were getting too rote. I remember when Kathy Levine left and everyone screamed, but life moves on. I imagine Lisa hasn't done much due to the non-complete clauses in their contracts. Kathy Levine had to be off the air for one year before she could do anything on the air, but unfortunately her 'talk show' didn't pan out.

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Re: I was upset when LR left but....

On 3/29/2015 faeriemoon said:
On 3/29/2015 momcat said:
On 3/29/2015 12andcounting said:

I haven't missed Lisa at all -- didn't really expect I would. I do not think QVC needs to create another host who becomes a "diva in her own mind."

Interesting comment.

True comment. Smiley Happy

I liked Lisa, and while I wouldn't say I "missed" any host, I wish she were still there.

I know many think Lisa was all "diva," but I have another take on her. She's not married, not a mother, and her life can be pretty much about her. But, I don't think she's all that secure about herself. I think she has a lot of insecurity, not so much diva.


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Re: I was upset when LR left but....

On 3/29/2015 Ptaz said:

It's been refreshing to see the changes. Things were getting too rote. I remember when Kathy Levine left and everyone screamed, but life moves on. I imagine Lisa hasn't done much due to the non-complete clauses in their contracts. Kathy Levine had to be off the air for one year before she could do anything on the air, but unfortunately her 'talk show' didn't pan out.

People still post I MISS KATHY LEVINE, and she's been gone from QVC forever.

I never saw her host, and I've been watching about 10 years now.

I am so tired of reading about her! I wouldn't read about her voluntarily, but it pops up in all sorts of threads!


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Re: I was upset when LR left but....

LR was funny - and very good with words and history - I liked her but at times couldn't stand her. I thought I'd miss her a 'little' - but (you know) I never have and only think of her when I see her name posted here. I think it was best for all of us - that she moved on.

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Re: I was upset when LR left but....

One thing about Lisa l miss, besides her sense of humor, is her intelligence. You could tell she is smart and well educated, and has class. I don't get the impression that very many of the current hosts are terribly intelligent, especially the new, young crop.
~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~