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The exposed zipper seems very out of place on that dress. Great dress other than that.

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@tansy wrote:

The industrial zippers look good on some items -- jackets, purses, slinky black dress -- but that one doesn't fit the style of the dress at all.

ITA with this! What a beautiful dress though. The color would look terrible on me, but DD would look spectacular! Smiley Happy

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@willdob3 wrote:

The exposed zipper seems very out of place on that dress. Great dress other than that.


I think an invisible zipper would have been much better!

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I love the dress and the fact that one could wear a regular bra with it, as another poster said. I'm not crazy about the exposed zipper and I wonder if swapping it out for a hidden one would be possible?

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I agree that the zipper should match.  The color contrast is not a plus.  What were they thinking?  It's a nice dress except for that and the cutouts.  I would never wear those cutouts, but they'd be great on someone who could carry it off.

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the dress is more of a formal dress and the zipper is too casual.  they don't work together.  exposed zippers don't work well with formal or dressier outifts imo. 

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Love the dress, hate the zipper. Smiley Frustrated 

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@hennypenny wrote:

The zipper is a definate deal breaker for me. Really ugly in my book.

Yes....I have to agree....Love the dress if it wasn't for the zipper...

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I agree that the zipper is a no-go. But so is the color combo. It reminds me of Pepto Bismol, lol. Sky blue paired with cornflower blue would be nice, IMO... or mint green with teal.

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I don't like exposed zippers. 


I've put back several things when I see it has an exposed zipper.