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Re: I get the most compliments when I wear (insert color)

Blues, turquoise, and royal purple.

I have medium pink-toned skin, dark auburn hair and very deep blue eyes. Jewel tones work far better for me than pastels.

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Re: I get the most compliments when I wear (insert color)


And I do love pinks. But I can't wear the same color every day! I wear a lot of different colors.

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Re: I get the most compliments when I wear (insert color)

When I was young I had very dark olive skin. In fact in family pictures, I looked like I did not belong in a family of European descent. Maybe I was adopted!?!? {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

When I was younger, people always complimented me when I wore warm colors--persimmon, gold, bronze, etc. As I have gotten older, I have lost that Mediterranean olive skin, but people still refer to warm colors as being my best.

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Re: I get the most compliments when I wear (insert color)

Aqua for sure! I have brown hair and green eyes, and everytime I wear aqua or turquoise, I get compliments. I like pink but it doesn't like me!

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Re: I get the most compliments when I wear (insert color)

Anything in the aqua/green turquoise/seafoam family. Also anything gold (rather than yellow). These aren't colors that particularly appeal to me, but it's fascinating how many compliments I get when I wear them.

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Re: I get the most compliments when I wear (insert color)

Green, blue and pink. I'm a very fair-skinned, freckled redhead with blue eyes.

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Re: I get the most compliments when I wear (insert color)

Purple. It makes my green eyes pop.
( \_/ )
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Re: I get the most compliments when I wear (insert color)

Pink. But is has to be right shade of pink. I have pink tops from various places in my closet but for some reason when I ordered a Denim and Co top in pink it did NOT go with my skin tone at all. The turquoise top I ordered (same style) did not go with my skin tone either. It was strange. If I see a top I just have to have I will order black only. I like charcoal grays but the Q usually carries lighter, heather grays.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: I get the most compliments when I wear (insert color)

I get more compliments when I'm wearing red.

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Re: I get the most compliments when I wear (insert color)

Sapphire blue - I've been told several times it makes my blue eyes bluer (idk if that's a word -sure looks funny)