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Re: I don't do Black Friday shopping, do you?

On 11/20/2014 annabellethecat said:

twocent, I'll try to ask him for them. I don't see him much as he commutes from Northern Va to Maryland every day (nightmare).

I'll try to call him tonight and see if he can tell me. Some of them are mainly known by 'the geek squad" if you know what I mean.

I'm serious though. He finds some amazing bargains. My daughter just shakes her head. They've been together since their first year, first day of college, so she's used to him doing things like this. I think it's funny.

Anyway, I'll see what he can give me. If I can get some I'll try to post tonight after he gets home. She's a stay at home mom but if I call her she'll just blow me off like, "Mom, I don't know where he goes. That's his thing". If you have adult kids you know what I mean! Ha!

I know exactly what you mean about "adult kids." {#emotions_dlg.laugh} Thank you so much , Anna. If you can find out , I would appreciate it , but if not - no worries. Wink

I tried to do a search to find something like that online, but with no success. I am about as far away from being a "computer geek, " as one can be -so my not finding something doesn't mean a whole lot!{#emotions_dlg.blush}

I just figured out how to scan and upload , yesterday !{#emotions_dlg.blush}{#emotions_dlg.laugh}{#emotions_dlg.blushing}

Enjoy your day and stay warm and safe ! Our temps are dropping, as the day goes on and I am about to freeze here!{#emotions_dlg.unsure} I don't even want to see my gas bill next month !

You'll find my heart at the Rainbow Bridge. Smiley Sad
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Re: I don't do Black Friday shopping, do you?

I use to love it years ago and ended up with some good deals. But the last few years or so, if I do go out, it is much later in the day. Whatever I find I find. I will not be going out this year at all. The stores already around here are crazy, I cant imagine what it is going to be like this year. I am thinking pure madness. I cant take the crowds any more. I do shop online though if there is something I am looking for. Most times, things that are offered in stores are offered online, except for certain items.
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Re: I don't do Black Friday shopping, do you?

No way would I subject myself to such madness or my family. I shop on line and maybe a couple very small specialty shops in my town. I don't like crowds and all the craziness of them. There is nothing that important to stay awake all night in the cold to buy something. Buying gifts should not be an adventure quest of a computer game.

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Re: I don't do Black Friday shopping, do you?

No, I have no desire to do so. My husband went to Walmart early in the morning one year to get a handheld gaming device for my son, and he was actually frightened by the crowds and disorder inside the store -- aisles blocked, people pushing and shoving, crowds everywhere, long checkout lines. He said, "Never again."

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Re: I don't do Black Friday shopping, do you?

I've been doing BF shopping on-line the past few years, and it's awesome! I don't have to fight the crowds and get just as good deals, maybe even some better.

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Re: I don't do Black Friday shopping, do you?

I will order online as much as I can but will go into a store as a last resort but not Black Friday or Thanksgiving! I have rarely seen anything worth fighting for parking, the cold, and rude crowds to get. Most of the "bargains" are crummy versions of things that are brought in just for that day to get crowds into the store.

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Re: I don't do Black Friday shopping, do you?

No, I went out one year maybe ten years ago, that was enough for me. Too many people, not worth it.

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Re: I don't do Black Friday shopping, do you?

Used to, when I was younger. But there is nothing I want to get or give that I'd put up with what goes on now in these stores. I'd only stand in line and fight like that if my kid needed a kidney or something, but not for some dumb electronic thingamajig or a toy someone doesn't even need for about the same price it can be had at other times of the year. NO THANKS!

For those who love it, I totally understand! Go! Have fun, because I remember when it was fun to me! Enjoy the hunt!

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Re: I don't do Black Friday shopping, do you?

I do it with a girlfriend of mine and we love it!! Stay up all night hitting starbucks at 3am. We have a gas! Love getting great deals and its a fun night for the two of us. Just started it a few years ago. So much fun!

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Re: I don't do Black Friday shopping, do you?

A sale is not worth my dignity. I don't go anywhere near a mall or even a grocery store on Black Friday.