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Re: How do you organize your closet?

I have a large walk in closet and I organize by color and by season. In the cold months I have one side of my closet with long sleeve tops and sweaters, heavier pants, winter dresses, suits all color coded and then in the summer I switch to the lighter clothes, sleeveless tops, shorts, capris, lighter dresses, summer sweaters all color coded. I do the same with my shoes I color code them also by season. I can find what I am looking for with no hassle.

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Re: How do you organize your closet?

I wish I had enough closet space so I could be more organized. I'm so envious of all you who have large, walk-in closets. I'm just lucky if I can get everything inside and close the door. lol...

Seriously, I know I would wear more of my clothes if I could just get to them more easily. I'm currently in the process of purging, so hopefully I will be able to get more organized. Right now I try to keep everything sorted by color, but it isn't easy. *heavy sigh*

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Re: How do you organize your closet?

I organize by type (pants, tops, dresses) and then by color.

That way I can see, for example, that I don't need any more blue tops!

I do put my glitziest clothes at the back of the closet. They aren't used often enough to keep them in with the others.

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Re: How do you organize your closet?

I have the whole walk in closet in the master bedroom and I have mostly tops hanging on a very high up closet rod. The tops are organized by color. Below the tops are 2 side by side 6 drawer sterlite plastic organizers. I have a medium height closet rod on the back wall with tops and they are organized by color too. Below that are two shelves with shoe boxes. The third wall has a high and low closet rod attached to a shelf tower. The top closet rod has denim jackets arranged by color and the lower has denim jeans. The tower stores sweaters in boxes and they are stored by color. I keep out of season clothes stored in boxes under the bed in the spare bedroom. Dresses are in garment bags next to the storage tower in the walk in closet. The bedroom drawers store lingerie and camisoles. As I seldom wear dresses those aren't in view. I do think it helps to organize clothes so all jeans are together and all tops are together grouped by color.
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Re: How do you organize your closet?

On 6/4/2014 Alsee said: Closets are supposed to be organized? My family never got the memo.


My closet self-organizes. Hubby brings up stuff from the basement to help my back out, and shoves it right to the center. Most worn at any season ends up in the middle. Other stuff I have separated to either side. I try to keep most worn pants and tops separated in the center to have easy grab to.

Walk in closets must be a real luxury. I switch between the seasons of cold and hotter. But, even in winter the house is warm enough to keep the same system going.

With age (as always) I aim to simplify.

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Re: How do you organize your closet?

I reorganize in late Fall and all looks great for a while then something happens lol

Closet gremlins I guess........but I DO try to keep tanks together....then pull on tops...then blouses.....then jackets.............slacks are hung by color on other are off the floor on ceiling to floor wire shelving which works well.

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Re: How do you organize your closet?

After accidentally purchasing the same top and pant that I already had and never worn, I organized my closet by colors. I have a lot of clothing and they are jammed together. Skinny hangers and all. All my jeans are folded and some of my jeggings, leggings and shorts are folded in drawers. For a while I kept some tops folded and some hanging in the closet. But then I would forget about the tops in the drawers!

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Re: How do you organize your closet?

On 6/5/2014 willdob3 said:

my top are organized by sleeve length first & then color. I only have 2 pairs of slacks that hand right now (losing weight, don't have many pants right now) so they really don't need it.

I wanted to add that I have a section to the far left side of my closet for clothes that have been worn once but can be worn again before washing. This is very helpful.

Because I am losing weight & shrinking through sizes I usually buy clothing just a little small so I can shrink into them and get the most wear out of them before they become too big. Tops that are still a bit too tight to wear are in a small section to the right of my other tops. I try them on regularly and add them to the correct section once they fit well enough to wear.

My closet is one with sliding doors. My clothing fills less than half of it. Clothes that are too big go on the other side & are either donated or taken to consignment.

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Re: How do you organize your closet?

On 6/4/2014 RoughDraft said:

I try to keep the doors closed.

Me too. It's a jungle in there.