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Re: Hoods!!!!!!

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@bigtraps wrote:

@Boomernichols wrote:

@bargainsgirl I personally think that hoods are more sporty by nature.  I prefer an item without the hood for dressing up.  Obviously it depends on the look you are going for.


I agree.  Plus,  hoods cheapen the garment I think.  Just makes it look cheap.




I agree that hoods cheapen many garments, although for outer wear it often makes sense.   You don't need to wear a hood indoors ... unless your roof leaks and it hasn't been fixed yet.  LOL   


I've found that hoods often pull the neck line back, and constantly re-adjusting clothing gets old pretty fast.  Thumbs down on hoods for me.

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If your head is warm, it heats your whole body.  I love hoods.

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@bargainsgirl wrote:

I wish manufacturers would stop with hoods on so many items!  Cuddl Duds is one of them.  I simply don't like hoods on everything and it keeps me from buying some things.      Just my preference...

I agree.I'm 86years old and have no reason for a hood. I bought a cuddle duds cardegan and didnt realize there was a hood, I'll do what some one says here, cut it off.

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I don't like hoods, I never put them over my head and they just bunch up and get in the way laying on my upper back.  It's a messy look if you ask me.  I'd rather have a nice neat collar that I can pop up against my neck.

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Re: Hoods!!!!!!

[ Edited ]

I love zip up hoodies. I wear them around the house for warmth. I don’t use the hood inside though. I like to layer mine over tees and jeans when I’m out and I don’t need a heavier coat. It’s a sporty look I like. Trying to layer a coat over a hoodie can be uncomfortable as posted by @Suzeecat 


I have to have at least one warm winter coat with a hood. I’m not a hat person so the hood on helps keep me warm. 


I don’t like hoods on overhead sweaters & sweatshirts. I find these garments really difficult to get in and out of. I also don’t want a hood on a cardigan because I wear those for a bit of a dressier look. 

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I like hoods on coats and sportier items. I don't want a hood on EVERYTHING because it does change the way the garment fits


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I don't mind hoods although I never, ever wear the hood when it's on a sweater or sweat shirt.  Hoods service purpose when they are on rain coats and winter coats.  

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I think hoods serve a purpose, but for the most part, I don't need that "purpose" on every garment, so with that said, I own maybe 3 jackets/zipup sweatshirts with hoods, the others, I purposely looked for clothing without hoods. I don't care for that hump of fabric laying on my neck/back.
"To each their own, in all things".
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If you live in a city like Chicago hoods verge on necessity especially if you work.  The weather can change in a heartbeat. Hats, head coverings, umbrellas, scarves are just to much to think about all the time. 

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@Hippiified wrote:

If your head is warm, it heats your whole body.  I love hoods.




Close .....   Your head doesn't heat your body, but if it is bare in cold weather, you'll lose 25% of your body heat that way, without a covering.