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Re: Here's why I no longer watch QVC fashion...

You have a point.  You have some hosts yelling which is such a turn off and trying the hard sell.  That's why jewelry is still enjoyable & calm.  Not sure who is in charge but they need to tone it down so women can enjoy the shows.  Cat Very Happy

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Re: Here's why I no longer watch QVC fashion...



Here is why I do not watch (or buy) fashions anymore on the Q

(I can't keep up with the price increases.)



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Re: Here's why I no longer watch QVC fashion...

One of the LOGO shows I watched with Sharon, she and Lori were yelling so loud I had to mute it. I generally mute most of the presentations because of the over the top antics. I suspect they're made to do this to get people to buy but for me it has the opposite effect. Right now I'm watching fashion on Evine and they're much calmer presenting the clothes. For the majority the hosts let the vendors talk and they spend more time talking about specifics. The price points are also much better. As for the Q, they should just have Leah do fashion. I like watching her and she knows how to handle vendors who don't know when to reel it in.
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Re: Here's why I no longer watch QVC fashion...

I love the shows with energy the fun and then information , this is precisely  why I tune in and buy!

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Re: Here's why I no longer watch QVC fashion...

I think at the very least they (even venders) should have to watch themselves to see how they come off. If they already do this why are they not implementing change behaviors? We don't expect perfection, but it is so difficult to watch and listen to the barrage of overstimulation product after product. We are posting on your boards for goodness sake. We want the Q to do well, so let us help you.
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Re: Here's why I no longer watch QVC fashion...

Big question: If everyone on all forums I've read are so dissatisfied w/ the Q, not purchasing and not watching, they wouldn't still be on air. Who's not telling the truth here? There's a great difference between just complaining and then standing behind it. 


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Re: Here's why I no longer watch QVC fashion...

Isn't it a shame that this network just never listens, it is like they always do the exact opposite of what people are posting. I dont get it myself.

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Re: Here's why I no longer watch QVC fashion...

I was trying - trying - to watch Jennifer C and Isaac this afternoon.  It was giving me such a headache.


She interrupted him the whole time, didn't stop talking for one second.  I had to turn it off.


The hosts should be required to watch their own shows with management.  I don't think anybody cares anymore how they present.

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Re: Here's why I no longer watch QVC fashion...

I pretty much do not buy from QVC anymore the clothing is well not to my liking anymore. Not so much the mail ordering  which is annoying also on every level. 

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Registered: ‎08-07-2014

Re: Here's why I no longer watch QVC fashion...



@Shanus    It does appear there are a lot unhappy customers lately.

It is just clothes I have boycotted...pricing on all other items are comparable (e.g. housewares, throws, etc).  


For me, I "take a chance" that QVC clothes will fit...and 80% of the time, they do not.  I believe pricing for clothing, especially cotton has skyrocketed on the Q, but I use coupons in local stores for clothes--sometimes 50% off...for houseware items, the Q is a good option.


I would assume if 1000 people boycotted the Q, it would not affect their 'bottom line.'