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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I seem to be wearing my older items more and more. Well, with a kitty and all. But, seriously, I'm glad that I saved older items. For day-to-day wear, etc. Of course, shopping around, I could just about buy a hundred new items in each store, (if I weren't on a budget). Lots of nice fashions, inexpensively priced now-a-days. Well, to each our own. What makes us fairly happy is what counts.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
Posts: 36
Registered: ‎10-27-2013

Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I found a brand of classic clothes that I like and fit well called Sag Harbor. They are classic pieces that last forever and I have been collecting them for nearly 20 years.

The older items definitely last longer and are made well. The newer items I have bought last a few seasons, while I have some basic sweaters that are going on 20 years old and look like I just bought them yesterday, no pilling, tears etc.

I go through my closets twice a year, normally when the time changes. I purge and donate and try to keep on top of it. I definitely have more clothes than the average bear, but I believe they last longer when you have more clothes "in the rotation."

When I was younger, I only had 5-7 outfits and things did wash out and wear out quickly because they were constantly worn.

I believe keeping well-made, basic clothes is a good thing.

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

On 3/14/2015 ripkenfan said:

I found a brand of classic clothes that I like and fit well called Sag Harbor. They are classic pieces that last forever and I have been collecting them for nearly 20 years.

The older items definitely last longer and are made well. The newer items I have bought last a few seasons, while I have some basic sweaters that are going on 20 years old and look like I just bought them yesterday, no pilling, tears etc.

I go through my closets twice a year, normally when the time changes. I purge and donate and try to keep on top of it. I definitely have more clothes than the average bear, but I believe they last longer when you have more clothes "in the rotation."

When I was younger, I only had 5-7 outfits and things did wash out and wear out quickly because they were constantly worn.

I believe keeping well-made, basic clothes is a good thing.

Dear Ripkenfan,

I have some Sag Harbor pieces and like them, too. I agree with you that they are better made then than most clothes are now. Their polyester-looks-like-silk peachskin-type fabrics were especially nice. They pieces I have are washable, which is a plus. Love that easy care!

If you haven't purchased any of Linea by Louis Dell'Olio here at QVC, I highly recommend them. They are extremely well made. Another selling point for me is that most of his garments are easy care fabrics. He'll be on QVC this coming Friday and on Saturday, so check the schedule in your part of the country for exact times. Louis also is a genius at accessorizing. You can see his blog at

Posts: 46
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I think it would be intrusive and disrespectful to "force" the situation about clothing in the closet of another person, even that of my 86 year old mother. As for me, I have a suede winter coat that I bought at a Paul Harris store (they have been closed it seems like forever) around 40 years ago, I think. I have not worn it in decades and yes, it still fits! I just want to keep it. Having said that, I have also discarded or given away items I bought less than five years ago. And, what does age have to do with it, really?

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I have way too many clothes. I have them in boxes. My son introduced me too thrift shops and they are cheaper than GW or SA. I spend less than $3 for a top. And they look brand new or actually are. It's something to do for me; getting out. I don't drive. I do need advice where I can give shoes to for I have over 50 and most never worn. I can't get into a 6 any more. I would like for someone in need to really have them not to sell them.

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Re: Hanging on to old clothes

On 3/13/2015 bonnielu said:

Oh, my they don't wear leisure suits! Hubby has four. Looks great in them. Good thing he doesn't read this forum.

My niece is getting married & the joke has been my husband will NOT be allowed to wear his leisure suit to the wedding but can to the rehearsal dinner??--he still has the one he wore way back when! Of course, in the back of the closet just in case! I think it's awesome!
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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Hanging on to old clothes

My MIL saves anything new she gets "for good". She has been saying that since I married into the family 15 yrs ago. She is now in her early 70's. I have lost count of the new clothes and purses she has bought or received as gifts just from us and has yet to wear or use.

Even when she bought herself a new mug (at Cracker Barrel) to use in her home when she drinks coffee, it still has yet to be used in 5+ years...still in the box, and she keeps using the same mug she used since before we were married that has a big chip with a hairline crack too.

Since she is going to do what makes her happy anyway no matter what we suggest, we let her 'do her thing'.

For example, rather than throwing out a purse that technically 'still functions' while falling apart, she would rather use that than any of her new purses she has even received as a gift or ones she would rarely purchase on her own.

I just don't get the 'saving for good' thing. At this rate, sad to say, she will end up wearing her favorite 'saved for good' sweater/purse/etc when she is 8' under...

A few years ago we got her a lovely chambray blue (her favorite color) Irish sweater for Mother's Day. She opened the box, put it on and said she loved it so much so it brought tears to her eyes! Funny part is, when we take her out to dinner once in awhile, occasionally we'd ask her about the sweater. All she says is that she will wear it soon...

It seems that my/us accepting that she is just happier acquiring new things, but not actually using new things is her way...

but it still makes my head hurt...{#emotions_dlg.blink}

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Registered: ‎04-22-2014

Re: Hanging on to old clothes

I'm not "an older woman" and I do like to hold on to my clothes. I buy some new pieces but I think I will stop shopping for clothes for a while so I can spend my $$$ on something else. And as someone accurately stated, it all depends on person's finances, not the age!
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Registered: ‎04-22-2014

Re: Hanging on to old clothes

On 3/17/2015 halfpint said:

I have way too many clothes. I have them in boxes. My son introduced me too thrift shops and they are cheaper than GW or SA. I spend less than $3 for a top. And they look brand new or actually are. It's something to do for me; getting out. I don't drive. I do need advice where I can give shoes to for I have over 50 and most never worn. I can't get into a 6 any more. I would like for someone in need to really have them not to sell them.

My mom loves thrift shops. It's pretty much a necessity where she lives, in Europe and she finds amazing pieces there! She gave me tons of clothes and I got way more compliments on my tunics from thrift stores than on store bought tops. But it takes time to find nice stuff and I have no patience....I usually shop online when there is a sale....
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Posts: 8,693
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Hanging on to old clothes

On 3/14/2015 sidsmom said:

I definitely see both sides.

There's an emotional attachment to clothes. Watch any 'What Not To Wear' show & it's clear women, young & old, have special feelings about certain pieces...things that represent good times, etc. Also ask any woman to rid of their wedding dress...and you'll get a lot of resistance.

It could be a financial issues. My favorite saying that I was taught @ a young age:

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But on the other side, purchasing something new gives you a fresh outlook. To each its own, yes?

I totally 'get' this wonderful saying, the only thing is think some folks (like my MIL) have a hard time finding the fine line of where does keeping the old end and enjoying the something new start...

For me, sure...if it still works, keep it! For example, our microwave we use is from my apt back in still works need for 'new'.

And as I posted above in my last post...

I thought it was wonderful when my MIL got herself a new mug since I wanted to believe that she was finally going to enjoy using a new mug and finally letting go of the one she was using with a chip and a crack...nope.

So she 'gets' the 1st part of the saying, but she doesn't 'do without'...not acquiring more of something she knows she knows she won't use (excluding those she has received as gifts).

Maybe the thought of any change...even when using a mug, or a brand new sweater is so strong and bothers her that much {#emotions_dlg.ohmy}...IDK...just trying to guess. Then I look back at why then, would she even consider buying another mug to just keep in a box and not use...
