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Fashion sales lines by hosts

I get so tired of them trying to be cutsi saying things like:


" this outfit hides all those lasagna noodles you ate"




 "this outfit  is for having all those second and third portions"


why is implied wording that being fat and out of shapes ok cute? Or funny?


I just get tired of it.



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Re: Fashion sales lines by hosts

They say that just to make money,anything to sell!

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Re: Fashion sales lines by hosts

I see nothing wrong with it. 

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Re: Fashion sales lines by hosts

I agree.  But those of us who have a bit of common sense, don't fall for these sales tactics at all.  I don't like that they are using the current COVID situation to try and sell products, I think that is overstepping the line, but we all should realize they are here to separate us from our money, not be our friends or family.  Don't get me wrong, I buy plenty from QVC, but it's items I want and can't find around here, not because a host told me I needed it.  The best one I heard was yesterday morning when the host was trying to talk people in buying underwear and said we should donate our old ones or turn them into rags.  Donate?  That was the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

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Re: Fashion sales lines by hosts

I think it’s Pat...I don’t see her very often but think I heard her say multiple times yesterday “feel free to buy more than one” or something to that effect. How nice!! Allowing me to buy multiples. Of course, I immediately got on the phone. Not.
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Re: Fashion sales lines by hosts

@Alter Ego I've never understood why she says that either.  In all the years I've been watching QVC, they've never limited the quantity you can buy of anything.

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Re: Fashion sales lines by hosts

@Lori KayeNor i.     


The hosts have a job to do.  They have to be there. I truly do not get why people watch what annoys them so much.   

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Re: Fashion sales lines by hosts

@Jackyl wrote:

I agree.  But those of us who have a bit of common sense, don't fall for these sales tactics at all.  I don't like that they are using the current COVID situation to try and sell products, I think that is overstepping the line, but we all should realize they are here to separate us from our money, not be our friends or family.  Don't get me wrong, I buy plenty from QVC, but it's items I want and can't find around here, not because a host told me I needed it.  The best one I heard was yesterday morning when the host was trying to talk people in buying underwear and said we should donate our old ones or turn them into rags.  Donate?  That was the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

@Jackyl   Yes, I have to agree.  That was one of the oddest things I have ever heard a host say.  Selling a set of panties, Pat Dementri actually made the suggestion for our old panties -- "wash and donate or use them as rags."  I could not believe my ears. 

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Re: Fashion sales lines by hosts

The Q is not the only ones using the virus to sell.  There are multiple commercials on TV selling masks, food, vitamins, etc.  How about that cancer hospital that doesnt want you to wait because of the virus to get treated?  Just plain tacky.  I doubt anyone with cancer is going to wait.  Just how dumb do they think we are?

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Re: Fashion sales lines by hosts

I love it when they tell you you can wear the p j's to shop in then they show items meant to wear outside and say you can wear to bed.