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Registered: ‎06-09-2010
Kathy Griffin is on again to replace Joan Rivers on "Fashion Police" in the ongoing saga of who will replace the iconic comedienne when the E! Network show returns "on special occasions," according to none other than TMZ.

TMZ also reported that E! decided "Fashion Police" will no longer be a weekly show and will only air "on special occasions" like during award shows.

Earlier this month Griffin told Access Hollywood that she didn't think that "Fashion Police" was "right for me,"even though she was offered the job, but TMZ reported Tuesday that Griffin is now a done deal.

"Sources connected with the show tell TMZ it's a done deal," TMZ wrote of Griffin appearing in Joan River's seat. "Kathy will join Melissa Rivers, Kelly Osbourne and Giuliana Rancic. We don't know the fate of George Kotsiopoulos."

The revelation may end the back-and-forth in the long rumor Kathy Griffin replacing Rivers, which took off shortly after Rivers' death. Griffin repeatedly distanced herself from the rumors, even as recently as two weeks ago.

"I don't know if the situation is correct at this time for me or right for me at this time," Griffin told Access Hollywood at the "Make Equality Reality" dinner in Beverly Hills this month. "I really hope they continue in the spirit of Joan's work," said Griffin. "She brought a fearlessness and a brand of humor into our homes that we really need."

London's Daily Mail reported Tuesday that when Melissa Rivers agreed to continue to stay on as executive producer she gave her blessing to Griffin as the new co-host because she knew how her mother felt about the 54-year-old comedian and actress.

"Kathy has been told if she wants the gig she can have it because Melissa wanted someone who her mother would have approved of," a source told the Daily Mail.

There was a round of approval on social media with the announcement.