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Before everyone tells me to change the channel, I really want to watch the Sunday morning D&C show, but, I know where to wear my clothes!!! A couple of suggestions would be okay if they must, but to go on and on, in my opinion is overkill. Maybe they have cut back on how many items are being presented and trying to kill time?  Who knows!

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Does not bother me at all.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@coconut1818 : You are the best!!! I know how to change the channel. And there is nothing wrong w/what you are asking for.

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@coconut1818 wrote:

Before everyone tells me to change the channel, I really want to watch the Sunday morning D&C show, but, I know where to wear my clothes!!! A couple of suggestions would be okay if they must, but to go on and on, in my opinion is overkill. Maybe they have cut back on how many items are being presented and trying to kill time?  Who knows!

agree Ali is not my fav host, but she does give details, however telling us you can wear this to the boardwalk to get icecream, etc  is superfluous talk. 

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Talking to hear themselves talk. This has always bothered me a little, I'm a grown woman and don't need to know where someone in an area that I don't live in would wear something. There are so many other things they can share with us about the item but it always seems they want to hide specifics.

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I dont get your anger and frustration over words. Perhaps explore your sensativity.

@coconut1818 wrote:

Before everyone tells me to change the channel, I really want to watch the Sunday morning D&C show, but, I know where to wear my clothes!!! A couple of suggestions would be okay if they must, but to go on and on, in my opinion is overkill. Maybe they have cut back on how many items are being presented and trying to kill time?  Who knows!


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@Carolina925 wrote:

Talking to hear themselves talk. This has always bothered me a little, I'm a grown woman and don't need to know where someone in an area that I don't live in would wear something. There are so many other things they can share with us about the item but it always seems they want to hide specifics.

I am sure this is a part of the sales spiel that Q dictates the hosts use, however is this working for them?

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Doesn't bother me anymore.  


This morning's D&C show is quite stiff and tiring though.  I keep leaving the channel and coming back every 15 minutes or so.  


Maybe I just don't see anything I want.



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IMO, if they had more items per show and didn't spend 15 minutes on a simple top, hosts wouldn't have to resort to inane chit chat.  Not sure why they don't do that.  I'm assuming there's a certain quota for each item that needs to be met before moving on but showing more items makes more sense to me.


But then I'm not in marketing--LOL!!



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And spending a lot of presentation time looking at themselves in the monitor.