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Re: Enough already with shirts sticking out the bottom of other shirts.

I just looked at the top you were speaking of. I like it. For me, no. One it has a white under top , and that ruins it for me. I would like a darker color so my hips didn't sport that white stripe. It also may be a little spandex for me. It looked good on the model I saw on the video online, but not me. I do have a few longer tops, they are a cotton/spandex blend so they dont cling as much.

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Re: Enough already with shirts sticking out the bottom of other shirts.

wearing short over long and layering makes getting dressed so much easier

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Re: Enough already with shirts sticking out the bottom of other shirts.

I love Antoinella but her trying to sell people on skinny tees as she stands there with rhinestones across her hips is absolutely bad news.
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Re: Enough already with shirts sticking out the bottom of other shirts.

In general, and not referring to any host at all: I don't mind the inner layer showing as long as it's a dark color. Not too crazy about white showing from underneath the layers. Edited to say that white under layers are ok with me when worn over white jeans and lighter Spring/Summer jeans/pants.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Enough already with shirts sticking out the bottom of other shirts.

I tuck my t-shirts into my jeans and drawstring pants all the time. I think it looks good. Wearing a t-shirt outside the jeans shows a big bulge where the zipper is under your shirt. But then again I don't wear tees that are loose or boxy, I like them fitted so I think they look better tucked in. Maybe I'm out of date, but I like the look on me.

I'm done with P.C. Just say what you mean and mean what you say. It's easier.
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Re: Enough already with shirts sticking out the bottom of other shirts.

I confess, I have tried but nothing is ever going to make me thing shirt tails sticking out of other tops is a good look.

Obviusly many like the look. that doesn't bother me t all. just don't make me wear it!

Isn't it nice we can all wear what we like and it is OK that we like different things?

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Re: Enough already with shirts sticking out the bottom of other shirts.

On 1/16/2015 Pickwickpapers said:

Why, oh WHY, can't we all just wear whatever we want without others not liking what we may have decided to wear??? There is a TV show called "Fashion Police" but it is only a TV show........ not real police. Live and let live, PLEASE! Everyone is entitled to his/her choice.

You can wear what you want and everyone can have an opinion and voice their opinion about what looks good and what doesn't. You can wear rollers and flannel pajamas out shopping if you want but others are also free to think you could do better.

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Re: Enough already with shirts sticking out the bottom of other shirts.

I wear a skinny tee almost every day when the weather gets chillier. I wear them under my v-neck tunics , under my hoodies instead of a shirt,etc. They are very comfortable and just enough to keep my warm. However, I would never wear them "exposed" such as with an open jacket as Antonella did. I just carry way too much in my middle to make it look at all attractive. They don't ride up and aren't too heavy. I loved the look of the sequined tees but I just really look silly walking around with a shirt hanging down below my jacket. But, I don't wear alot of shorter tops , mostly tunics and longer things. But, I do love those skinny tees.

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Registered: ‎05-03-2014

Re: Enough already with shirts sticking out the bottom of other shirts.

It's okay, in my opinion. But sometimes, it looks like a little too much.

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Re: Enough already with shirts sticking out the bottom of other shirts.

This is such a funny thread!